Source code for watershed_workflow.utils

"""Shape and geometry utilities for working with fiona and shapely objects.

Note this module contains a lot of other simple functions that are commonly
used by other functions, but are not included in documentation because they are
likely not useful to users.


import calendar
import datetime
import cftime
import logging
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.interpolate
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
import shapely.wkt
import shapely.prepared
import shapely.affinity
import rasterio
import rasterio.transform
import copy


_tol = 1.e-7

# Constructors
[docs] def create_shply(shape, properties=None, flip=False): """Converts a fiona style shape to a shapely shape with as much collapsing as possible. Note this collapses objects -- for instance, fiona MultiPolygons of length 1 are turned into shapely Polygons. Parameters ---------- shape : fiona shape Fiona shape to convert to shapely. properties : dict, optional A dictionary of parameters to associate with the object. Defaults to shape['properties'] if it exists, None otherwise. flip : bool, optional Flip x,y coordinates while making the translation. This helps if files provide lat-long ordered coordinates (note that is y,x) as opposed to long-lat (x,y). Default is False. Returns ------- thing : shapely shape """ if 'geometry' in shape: if properties is None: if 'properties' in shape: properties = shape['properties'] else: properties = dict() shape = shape['geometry'] try: thing = shapely.geometry.shape(shape) if type(thing) is shapely.geometry.MultiPoint and len(thing.geoms) == 1: thing = thing.geoms[0] elif type(thing) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString and len(thing.geoms) == 1: thing = thing.geoms[0] elif type(thing) is shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon and len(thing.geoms) == 1: thing = thing.geoms[0] # first check for latlon instead of lonlat if flip: thing = shapely.ops.transform(lambda x, y: (y, x), thing) = properties thing_2D = remove_third_dimension(thing) = return thing_2D except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Converting to shapely got error: "%s" Maybe you forgot to do shp["geometry"]?')
[docs] def deepcopy(list_of_shapes): """Deals with properties dictionary""" new_list = [shp.__class__(shp) for shp in list_of_shapes] for new, old in zip(new_list, list_of_shapes): if hasattr(old, 'properties'): = return new_list
[docs] def create_bounds(f): """General bounding box for fiona and shapely types.""" # fiona type x, y = zip(*list(generate_coords(f))) # except TypeError: # # shapely type # return f.bounds # else: return min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)
[docs] def create_raster_profile(bounds, crs, resolution, dtype=None, nodata=None, count=1): """Creates a profile for a raster. Parameters ---------- bounds : [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] Bounding box for the raster. crs : CRS object Target coordinate system. resolution : tuple or float Pixel width, in units of the crs. If a tuple, (dx,dy). If a float, then dx = dy. dtype : optional If provided, sets the data type. nodata : dtype, optional If provided, sets the nodata value. count : int, optional Note that dx/dy are always used. The bounds are adjusted to make them an even multiple of dx/dy. Returns ------- dict Dictionary profile, including a transform and all other needed metadata to create a raster. """ try: dx, dy = resolution except TypeError: dx = resolution dy = resolution if dtype is None and nodata is not None: dytpe = type(nodata) x0 = np.round(bounds[0] - dx/2) y1 = np.round(bounds[3] + dx/2) width = int(np.ceil((bounds[2] + dx/2 - x0) / dx)) height = int(np.ceil((y1 - bounds[1] - dx/2) / dx)) out_bounds = [x0, y1 - dy*height, x0 + dx*width, y1] transform = rasterio.transform.from_origin(x0, y1, dx, dx) out_profile = { 'height': height, 'width': width, 'count': count, 'dtype': dtype, 'crs': crs, 'transform': transform, 'nodata': nodata } return out_profile
[docs] def create_empty_raster(bounds, crs, resolution, nodata, count=1): """Generates a profile and a nodata-filled array.""" profile = create_raster_profile(bounds, crs, resolution, nodata=nodata, count=count) out = profile['nodata'] * np.ones( (profile['count'], profile['height'], profile['width']), profile['dtype']) return profile, out
# # Generic routines for manipulating shapes and rasters #
[docs] def is_empty_shapely(shp): """Is shp None or empty""" return shp is None or shp.is_empty
[docs] def round_shapes(list_of_things, digits): """Rounds coordinates in things or shapes to a given digits.""" for shp in list_of_things: for ring in generate_rings(shp): ring[:] = list(np.array(ring).round(digits))
[docs] def round_shplys(list_of_things, digits): """Rounds coordinates in things or shapes to a given digits.""" return [ shapely.wkt.loads(shapely.wkt.dumps(thing, rounding_precision=digits)).simplify(0) for thing in list_of_things ]
[docs] def remove_third_dimension(geom): """Removes the third dimension of a shapely object.""" if geom.is_empty: return geom if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): exterior = geom.exterior new_exterior = remove_third_dimension(exterior) interiors = geom.interiors new_interiors = [] for int in interiors: new_interiors.append(remove_third_dimension(int)) return shapely.geometry.Polygon(new_exterior, new_interiors) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LinearRing): return shapely.geometry.LinearRing([xy[0:2] for xy in list(geom.coords)]) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): return shapely.geometry.LineString([xy[0:2] for xy in list(geom.coords)]) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Point): return shapely.geometry.Point([xy[0:2] for xy in list(geom.coords)]) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.MultiPoint): points = list(geom.geoms) new_points = [] for point in points: new_points.append(remove_third_dimension(point)) return shapely.geometry.MultiPoint(new_points) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.MultiLineString): lines = list(geom.geoms) new_lines = [] for line in lines: new_lines.append(remove_third_dimension(line)) return shapely.geometry.MultiLineString(new_lines) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): pols = list(geom.geoms) new_pols = [] for pol in pols: new_pols.append(remove_third_dimension(pol)) return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(new_pols) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): geoms = list(geom.geoms) new_geoms = [] for geom in geoms: new_geoms.append(remove_third_dimension(geom)) return shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection(new_geoms) else: raise RuntimeError("Currently this type of geometry is not supported: {}".format( type(geom)))
[docs] def flatten(list_of_shps): """Flattens a list of shapes, that may contain Multi-objects, into list without multi-objects""" new_list = [] for shp in list_of_shps: if isinstance(shp, shapely.geometry.MultiLineString) or \ isinstance(shp, shapely.geometry.MultiPoint) or \ isinstance(shp, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): new_list.extend(list(shp.geoms)) else: new_list.append(shp) return new_list
[docs] def impute_holes2D(arr, nodata=np.nan, method='cubic'): """Very simple imputation algorithm to interpolate values for missing data in rasters. Note, this may throw if there is a hole on the boundary? Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray 2D array, with missing data. nodata : optional = np.nan Value to treat as a hole to fill. method : str, optional = 'cubic' Algorithm to use (see scipy.interpolate.griddata). Likely 'cubic', 'linear', or 'nearest'. Returns ------- np.ndarray New array with no values of nodata. """ if nodata is np.nan: mask = np.isnan(arr) else: mask = (arr == nodata) x = np.arange(0, arr.shape[1]) y = np.arange(0, arr.shape[0]) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) #get only the valid values x1 = xx[~mask] y1 = yy[~mask] newarr = arr[~mask] res = scipy.interpolate.griddata((x1, y1), newarr.ravel(), (xx, yy), method='cubic') return res
[docs] def compute_average_year(data, output_nyears=1, smooth=False, **kwargs): """Averages and smooths to form a "typical" year. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray(shape=(NTIMES, ...)) Daily array to average, note that NTIMES > 365. output_nyears : int, optional Number of years to repeat the output. Default is 1. filter : bool, optional If true, filters the data using a Sav-Gol filter from Scipy All other parameters are passed to the filter. See scipy.signal.savgol_filter, but sane default values are used if these are not provided. Note that if NTIMES % 365 != 0, the data is truncated. Returns ------- np.ndarray(shape=(365*output_nyears, ...)) The averaged data. """ nyears = data.shape[0] // 365 if nyears == 0: raise ValueError('Not enough data to compute average year. Need at least 365 days.') # reshape the data to (nyears, 365, ...) data = np.array(data[0:nyears * 365][:]) original_shape = data.shape new_shape = (nyears, 365) if len(original_shape) > 1: new_shape = new_shape + original_shape[1:] data = data.reshape(new_shape) data = data.mean(axis=0) # smooth if requested if smooth: data = smooth_array(data, smooth, axis=0, **kwargs) # repeat the data if requested if output_nyears != 1: tiled_data_shape = (output_nyears, ) for i in range(len(original_shape) - 1): tiled_data_shape = tiled_data_shape + (1, ) data = np.tile(data, tiled_data_shape) return data
[docs] def interpolate_in_time_regular(times, data, start, end, dt=datetime.timedelta(days=1), axis=0, **kwargs): """Interpolate time-dependent data to a regularly spaced time array. Parameters ---------- times : np.1darray(dtype=cftime.datetime) An array of times, of length NTIMES. data : np.ndarray Data to interpolate, data.shape[axis] == NTIMES. start, end : cftime.datetime Times to begin and end (inclusive) the interpolated array. dt : datetime.timedelta, optional Delta to interpolate to. Defaults to 1 day. axis : int, optional Axis of data that corresponds to time. Default is 0. All other parameters are passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Of use particularly is 'kind' which can be 'linear' (default) or 'quadratic', 'cubic' or others. Returns ------- new_times : np.1darray( Times of the new array. new_data : np.ndarray The data interpolated. """ if data.shape[axis] != len(times): raise ValuerError("Data and times array are not of the expected shape.") # new_times for interpolation new_count = int(np.ceil((end-start) / dt)) new_times = np.array([start + i*dt for i in range(new_count + 1)]) # interpolate onto new_times new_data = interpolate_in_time(times, data, new_times, axis, **kwargs) return new_times, new_data
[docs] def interpolate_in_time(times, data, new_times, axis=0, units="days since 2000", **kwargs): """Interpolate time-dependent data to an arbitrary other time array. Parameters ---------- times : np.1darray(dtype=cftime.datetime) An array of times, of length NTIMES. data : np.ndarray Data to interpolate, data.shape[axis] == NTIMES. new_times : np.1darray(dtype=cftime.datetime) An array of times to interpolate to. axis : int, optional Axis of data that corresponds to time. Default is 0. units : str, optional Interpolation must happen in a numeric coordinate -- this unit is used to convert from dates to numbers using cftime.date2num. Valid cfunits for time are strings like "days since 2000-1-1", which is the default. All other parameters are passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Of use particularly is 'kind' which can be 'linear' (default) or 'quadratic', 'cubic' or others. Returns ------- new_data : np.ndarray The data interpolated. """ if data.shape[axis] != len(times): raise ValueError("Data and times array are not of the expected shape.") if times[0].calendar != new_times[0].calendar: raise ValueError("times and new_times must have the same calendar.") # create an interpolator in a modified coordinate system x = cftime.date2num(times, units) interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, data, axis=axis, assume_sorted=True, **kwargs) # interpolate at new_times in the modified coordinate system new_x = cftime.date2num(new_times, units) new_data = interp(new_x) return new_data
[docs] def smooth_array(data, method, axis=0, **kwargs): """Smooths fixed-interval time-series data using a Sav-Gol filter from scipy. Note that this wrapper just sets some sane default values for daily data -- one could just as easily call scipy.signal.savgol_filter themselves. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data to smooth. window_length : int, optional Length of the moving window over which to fit the polynomial. Default is 61. polyorder : int, optional Order of the fitting polynomial. Default is 2. axis : int, optional Time axis over which to smooth. Default is 0. mode : str, optional See scipy.signal.savgol_filter documentation, but 'wrap' is the best bet for data in multiples of years. Default is 'wrap.' Any additional kwargs are passed to scipy.signal.savgol_filter Returns ------- np.ndarray Smoothed data in the same shape as data """ if method is True: method = 'savgol_filter' if method == 'savgol_filter': if 'window_length' not in kwargs: kwargs['window_length'] = 61 if 'polyorder' not in kwargs: kwargs['polyorder'] = 2 if 'mode' not in kwargs: kwargs['mode'] = 'wrap' return scipy.signal.savgol_filter(data, axis=axis, **kwargs) elif method == 'convolve': if 'window' not in kwargs: kwargs['window'] = 'hann' if 'Nx' not in kwargs: kwargs['Nx'] = 50 win =**kwargs) win = win / win.sum() assert (len(data.shape) == 3 and axis == 0) data_new = np.empty_like(data) for i in range(data.shape[1]): for j in range(data.shape[2]): data_new[:, i, j] = scipy.signal.convolve(data[:, i, j], win)[len(win) // 2:-len(win) // 2 + 1] return data_new else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid smooth method {method}')
[docs] def generate_rings(obj): """Generator for a fiona shape's coordinates object and yield rings. As long as the input is conforming, the type of the geometry doesn't matter. Parameter --------- obj : fiona shape Returns ------- rings : iterator Iterates over rings, each of which is a list of coordinate tuples. """ def _generate_rings(coords): for e in coords: if isinstance(e[0], (float, int)): yield coords break else: for r in _generate_rings(e): yield r if 'geometry' in obj: obj = obj['geometry'] for r in _generate_rings(obj['coordinates']): yield r
[docs] def generate_coords(obj): """Generator for a fiona geometry's coordinates. As long as the input is conforming, the type of the geometry doesn't matter. Parameter --------- obj : fiona shape Returns ------- coord : iterator Iterates over coordinate tuples. """ if 'geometry' in obj: obj = obj['geometry'] if obj['type'] == 'Point': yield obj['coordinates'] else: for ring in generate_rings(obj): for c in ring: yield c
# # Geometry #
[docs] def close(s1, s2, tol=_tol): """Are two shapely shapes topologically equivalent and geometrically close? Note this deals with things like rotations of polygons (clock-rotating the coordinates of the same shape are still close) and other gotchas that keep you from just comparing coordinates. Parameters ---------- s1, s2 : shapely shapes Objects to compare. tol : double Distance to compare geometric closeness. Returns ------- close : bool Is close? """ # deal with Multi* or list objects def is_multi(thing): if isinstance(thing, shapely.geometry.MultiPoint): return True if isinstance(thing, shapely.geometry.MultiLineString): return True if isinstance(thing, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): return True if isinstance(thing, list): return True return False def local_len(thing): try: return len(thing) except AttributeError: return len(thing.geoms) def iter(thing): assert (is_multi(thing)) if isinstance(thing, list): for t in thing: yield t else: for t in thing.geoms: yield t if is_multi(s1): if local_len(s1) == 1: return close(next(iter(s1)), s2, tol) if is_multi(s2): if local_len(s2) == 1: return close(s1, next(iter(s2)), tol) if is_multi(s1) and is_multi(s2): if local_len(s1) != local_len(s2): return False return all(close(i1, i2, tol) for (i1, i2) in zip(s1, s2)) # points get compared as tuples if isinstance(s1, shapely.geometry.Point): return close(s1.coords[0], s2, tol) if isinstance(s2, shapely.geometry.Point): return close(s1, s2.coords[0], tol) # types should be the same now if type(s1) != type(s2): return False # compare tuples if isinstance(s1, tuple): if len(s1) != len(s2): return False return sum((p1 - p2)**2 for p1, p2 in zip(s1, s2)) < tol**2 # compare lines elif isinstance(s1, shapely.geometry.LineString): if len(s1.coords) != len(s2.coords): return False if np.allclose(np.array(s1.coords), np.array(s2.coords), tol, tol): return True if np.allclose(np.array(s1.coords), np.array(list(reversed(s2.coords))), tol, tol): return True return False # compare polygons elif type(s1) is shapely.geometry.Polygon: # note, this does not correctly deal with nonequal holes... if len(s1.boundary.coords) != len(s2.boundary.coords): return False ls1 = s1.boundary.coords[:-1] ls2 = np.array(s2.boundary.coords[:-1]) ls2f = np.flipud(ls2) return any(np.allclose(ls1, np.roll(ls2, i, 0), tol, tol) for i in range(len(ls2))) or \ any(np.allclose(ls1, np.roll(ls2f, i, 0), tol, tol) for i in range(len(ls2))) # compare multi-shapes by checking if each one has a match in the # other and lengths are the same elif isinstance(s1, (shapely.geometry.MultiPoint, shapely.geometry.MultiLineString, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon)): if len(s1) != len(s2): return False good2 = [False, ] * len(s2) for l1 in s1: found = False for i, l2 in enumerate(s2): if not good2[i]: if close(l1, l2, tol): good2[i] = True found = True break if not found: return False return True else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for type '%r'" % type(s1))
[docs] def contains(s1, s2, tol=_tol): """A contains algorithm that deals with close/roundoff issues""" return s1.buffer(tol, 2).contains(s2)
[docs] class CutError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, line, seg, cutline): super(Exception, self).__init__(message) self.line = line self.seg = seg self.cutline = cutline
[docs] def cut(line, cutline, tol=1.e-5): """Cuts a line at all intersections with cutline. If an existing point in line is within tol of the cutline, do not add an additional coordinate, just move that coordinate. Otherwise, add a new coordinate.""" def plot(): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(cutline.xy[0], cutline.xy[1], 'k-x', linewidth=3) plt.plot(line.xy[0], line.xy[1], 'g-+', linewidth=3) assert (type(line) is shapely.geometry.LineString) assert (type(cutline) is shapely.geometry.LineString) assert (line.intersects(cutline)) segs = [] coords = list(line.coords) segcoords = [coords[0], ] i = 0 while i < len(coords) - 1: seg = shapely.geometry.LineString(coords[i:i + 2]) #logging.debug("Intersecting seg %d"%i) point = seg.intersection(cutline) if type(point) is shapely.geometry.LineString and len(point.coords) == 0: #logging.debug("Cut seg no intersection") segcoords.append(seg.coords[-1]) i += 1 elif type(point) is shapely.geometry.Point: #logging.debug("Cut intersected at point") #logging.debug(" inter point: %r"%list(point.coords[0])) #logging.debug(" seg final point: %r"%list(seg.coords[-1])) #logging.debug(" close? = %r"%(close(point, seg.coords[-1], tol))) if close(point, seg.coords[-1], tol): # intersects at the far point segs.append(shapely.geometry.LineString(segcoords + [point, ])) #logging.debug(" appended full segment: %r"%(list(segs[-1].coords))) if (i < len(coords) - 2): #logging.debug(" (not the end)") segcoords = [point, coords[i + 2]] else: #logging.debug(" (the end)") segcoords = [point, ] i += 2 # also skip the next seg, which would also # intersect at that seg's start point elif close(point, seg.coords[0], tol): # intersects at the near point if i != 0: assert (len(segcoords) > 1) segs.append(shapely.geometry.LineString(segcoords[:-1] + [point, ])) segcoords = [point, ] else: assert (len(segcoords) == 1) segcoords[0] = point segcoords.append(seg.coords[-1]) i += 1 else: # intersects in the middle segs.append(shapely.geometry.LineString(segcoords + [point, ])) #logging.debug(" appended partial segment: %r"%(list(segs[-1].coords))) segcoords = [point, seg.coords[-1]] i += 1 else: print("Dual/multiple section: type = {}".format(type(point))) print(" point = {}".format(point)) raise CutError( "Dual/multiple intersection in a single seg... ugh! " + "Intersection is of type '{}'".format(type(point)), line, seg, cutline) if len(segcoords) > 1: segs.append(shapely.geometry.LineString(segcoords)) return segs
[docs] def distance(p1, p2): """Distance between two points in tuple form""" return np.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)
[docs] def in_neighborhood(obj1, obj2, tol=0.1): """Determines if two objects can possibly intersect by performing a quick check of their bounding boxes. """ minx1, miny1, maxx1, maxy1 = obj1.bounds minx2, miny2, maxx2, maxy2 = obj2.bounds if maxx2 < minx1 - tol or \ maxy2 < miny1 - tol or \ minx2 > maxx1 + tol or \ miny2 > maxy1 + tol: return False return True
[docs] def intersect_point_to_segment(point, line_start, line_end): """Finds the nearest point on a line segment to a point""" line_magnitude = line_end.distance(line_start) assert (line_magnitude > _tol) u = ((point.x - line_start.x) * (line_end.x - line_start.x) + (point.y - line_start.y) * (line_end.y - line_start.y)) \ / (line_magnitude ** 2) # closest point does not fall within the line segment, # take the shorter distance to an endpoint if u < 0.: return line_start elif u > 1.: return line_end else: ix = line_start.x + u * (line_end.x - line_start.x) iy = line_start.y + u * (line_end.y - line_start.y) return shapely.geometry.Point([ix, iy])
[docs] def nearest_point(line, point): """Returns the nearest coordinate on the line to point. Note point is expected as coordinates.""" if isinstance(point, tuple): point = shapely.geometry.Point(point) return shapely.ops.nearest_points(point, line)[1].coords[0]
[docs] def triangle_area(vertices): """Area of a triangle in 2D""" xy1 = vertices[0] xy2 = vertices[1] xy3 = vertices[2] A = 0.5 * (xy2[0] * xy3[1] - xy3[0] * xy2[1] - xy1[0] * xy3[1] + xy3[0] * xy1[1] + xy1[0] * xy2[1] - xy2[0] * xy1[1]) return A
[docs] def is_collinear(p0, p1, p2, tol=1e-6): """this function checks if three points are collinear for given tolerance value""" x1, y1 = p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1] x2, y2 = p2[0] - p0[0], p2[1] - p0[1] return abs(x1*y2 - x2*y1) < tol
[docs] def area(vertices): """Area of polygons in 2D""" area = shapely.geometry.Polygon(vertices).area return area
[docs] def angle(v1, v2): """Given two 2D vectors represented as len 2 arrays or tuples, find the angle of 2 relative to 1 in a clockwise notion.""" x1 = v1[0] y1 = v1[1] x2 = v2[0] y2 = v2[1] numer = x1*x2 + y1*y2 denom = np.sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1) * np.sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2) assert (denom > 0) arg = numer / denom assert (arg < 1.1 and arg > -1.1) # roundoff problems arg = min(max(numer / denom, -1), 1) mag = 180. / np.pi * np.arccos(arg) sign = x1*y2 - x2*y1 if sign < 0: return -mag else: return mag
[docs] def midpoint(p1, p2): """Returns the midpoint of two points""" if isinstance(p1, shapely.geometry.Point): return midpoint(p1.coords[0], p2) if isinstance(p2, shapely.geometry.Point): return midpoint(p1, p2.coords[0]) return ((p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2., (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2.)
[docs] def closest_point_ind(point, points): """Returns the index of closest point from an array of points""" points = np.asarray(points) dist_2 = np.sum((points - point)**2, axis=1) return np.argmin(dist_2)
[docs] def center(objects, centering=True): """Centers a collection of objects by removing their collective centroid""" if type(centering) is shapely.geometry.Point: centroid = centering elif centering is True or centering == 'geometric': union = shapely.ops.unary_union(objects) centroid = shapely.geometry.Point([(union.bounds[0] + union.bounds[2]) / 2., (union.bounds[1] + union.bounds[3]) / 2.]) elif centering == 'mass': union = shapely.ops.unary_union(objects) centroid = union.centroid else: raise ValueError('Centering: option centering = "{}" unknown'.format(centering)) new_objs = [ shapely.affinity.translate(obj, -centroid.coords[0][0], -centroid.coords[0][1]) for obj in objects ] for new, old in zip(new_objs, objects): if hasattr(old, 'properties'): = return new_objs, centroid
[docs] def orientation(p1, p2, p3): """to find the orientation of an ordered triplet (p1,p2,p3) function returns the following values: 0 : Collinear points 1 : Clockwise points 2 : Counterclockwise """ val = (float(p2.y - p1.y) * (p3.x - p2.x)) - \ (float(p2.x - p1.x) * (p3.y - p2.y)) if (val > 0): # Clockwise orientation return 1 elif (val < 0): # Counterclockwise orientation return 2 else: # Collinear orientation return 0
[docs] def intersects(shp1, shp2): """Checks whether an intersection exists. Note that intersection being empty and intersects are not always reliably the same... we avoid using shapely.intersects() for this reason. """ inter = shp1.intersection(shp2) return not is_empty_shapely(inter)
[docs] def non_point_intersection(shp1, shp2): """Checks whether an intersection is larger than a point. Note that intersection being empty and intersects are not always reliably the same... we avoid using intersects() for this reason. """ inter = shp1.intersection(shp2) return not (is_empty_shapely(inter) or \ isinstance(inter, shapely.geometry.Point))
[docs] def volumetric_intersection(shp1, shp2): """Checks whether an intersection includes volume and not just points and lines.""" inter = shp1.intersection(shp2) return inter.area > 0
[docs] def filter_to_shape(shape, to_filter, tol=None, algorithm='intersects'): """Filters out reaches (or reaches in rivers) not inside the HUCs provided. algorithm is one of 'contains' or 'intersects' to indicate whether to include things entirely in shape or partially in shape, respectively. """ if tol is None: tol = _tol if algorithm == 'contains': op = shape.contains shape = shapely.prepared.prep(shape.buffer(2 * tol)) elif algorithm == 'intersects': op = shape.intersects shape = shapely.prepared.prep(shape.buffer(2 * tol)) elif algorithm == 'non_point_intersection': op = lambda a: non_point_intersection(shape, a) shape = shape.buffer(2 * tol) else: raise ValueError("algorithm must be one of 'intersects' or 'contains'") return [s for s in to_filter if op(s)]
def is_convex(points): poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(points) return math.isclose(poly.area, poly.convex_hull.area, rel_tol=1e-4)
[docs] def cluster(points, tol): """Given a list of points, determine a list of clusters. Each cluster is within tol of each other. Returns (cluster_index, cluster_centroid) """ import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hcluster if type(points) is list: points = np.array(points) indices = hcluster.fclusterdata(points, tol, criterion='distance') centroids = [points[indices == (i + 1)].mean(axis=0) for i in range(indices.max())] return indices - 1, centroids
[docs] def treat_segment_collinearity(segment_coords, tol=1e-5): """This functions removes collinearity from a node segment by making small pertubations orthogonal to the segment""" col_checks = [] for i in range(0, len(segment_coords) - 2): # traversing along the segment, checking 3 consecutive points at a time p0 = segment_coords[i] p1 = segment_coords[i + 1] p2 = segment_coords[i + 2] if watershed_workflow.utils.is_collinear( p0, p1, p2, tol=tol): # treating collinearity through a small pertubation del_ortho = 10 * tol # shift in the middle point if (p2[0] - p0[0]) == 0: m = 1e6 else: m = (p2[1] - p0[1]) / (p2[0] - p0[0]) del_y = del_ortho / (1 + m**2)**0.5 del_x = -1 * del_ortho * m / (1 + m**2)**0.5 p1 = (p1[0] + del_x, p1[1] + del_y) segment_coords[i + 1] = p1 col_checks.append(is_collinear(p0, p1, p2)) assert (sum(col_checks) == 0) return segment_coords