Installation and Setup
All code in this package is pure python3, though it can be tricky to get all of the dependencies to coexist because of their need for GIS libraries.
Once the code is installed, typical usage builds on two directories: the data library and the working directory. Watershed Workflow downloads a lot of datasets, and stores them in a common “data library” for (re-)use by multiple workflows. Any given workflow consists of scripts or notebooks along with the synthesized data products created by the workflow (meshes, forcing files, etc) – these live in the “working directory.” Additionally, for each workflow, a configuration file is required. This file is typically stored as ~/.watershed_workflowrc but may also live in the working directory. This includes the path to the data library, along with other common settings.
Summary of Dependencies and their Usage
Standard packages needed include argparse and subprocess, and for testing, pytest and dist_utils. Standard math packages include numpy, matplotlib, and scipy. Soil properties often come in geodatabase files, which are best read with pandas.
GIS work is typically done using expensive/closed source and GUI-based tools. For this work, we instead build on extremely high-quality, open-source packages for GIS in python: fiona, rasterio, shapely and cartopy.
Optional: Mesh generation of 2D, “map view” surface meshes uses the open source library Triangle, which can be wrapped for python using meshpy. This in turn depends upon boost python. Optionally, extrusion of this 2D mesh into a 3D mesh for use in integrated hydrologic models requires a 3D mesh library ~~ we tend to use ExodusII here, but VTK is also supported. ExodusII, part of the SEACAS suite of tools, provides a python3 set of wrappers, but there is no current package, so this must be installed separately. See below. Exodus, in turn, needs netCDF4.
Optional: Soil properties often come in percent silt/clay/sand, yet hydrologic properties such as porosity, permeability, and van Genuchten curves are the most frequently used in models. Rosetta3 is a tool providing pedotransfer functions to convert these properties into the needed model parameters. Rosetta packages are provided by the rosetta-soil pip package.
Optional: Here we use jupyter lab/notebooks to provide examples and illustrate usage of the package. If you do not intend to use jupyter, it is not necessary, adds a lot of extra packages, and can safely be removed from the installation below. If you do use jupyter, you should also use papermill, which allows workflows to be pipelined – you develop a notebook, then use papermill to use the notebook as a script.
Installation with Docker
Because of this complex set of processes, the simplest form of using Watershed Workflow is through the provided Docker containers. To do this, install the Docker or Rancher desktop apps, then run the script bin/
python bin/ /path/to/working/directory
Then, following the instructions on the terminal window, navigate your browser to the provided URL. Note this will use your working directory to save downloaded datasets. As another example, to use the ATS-centric docker container, using a specific common data library and pulling the latest docker images, use:
python bin/ --pull --ats --data-library=/my/data \
Note that this script needs a .watershed_workflowrc file – it will search, in order of precedence, for:
A path provided on the command line via the –rc option,
/path/to/working/directory/.watershed_workflowrc, or
This file will then be stored at /path/to/working/directory/.docker_watershed_workflowrc for use within the container.
An example configure file is found at watershed_workflowrc in the top directory of this repository.
Local Installation
It is recommended to use Mambaforge as a package manager, generating a unique environment for use with this package, as this makes it fairly easy to get all the required packages. Anaconda and other variants can work as well, but mamba is significantly faster at solving the complex set of dependencies required here.
Jupyter best practices suggest to install jupyterlab and a base set of packages in your own base environment or elsewhere, then use this environment as a kernel within Jupyter. We provide scripts that get the needed dependencies:
python3 environments/ ENV_NAME
Developers should also install a few packages for building documentation, testing, etc:
python3 environments/ --env-type=DEV ENV_NAME
The expectation is that you have installed jupyterlab and/or related packages in your own base environment or elsewhere, and will simply use the watershed_workflow environment as a kernel within Jupyter.
Check your python installation:
python -c 'import numpy, matplotlib, scipy, rasterio, fiona, shapely, cartopy, meshpy.triangle; print("SUCCESS")'
Installing ExodusII (optional)
Clone the package from source
Unfortunately this package does not do semantic versioned releases except as part of the Trilinos project, and those releases are often somewhat old. Configuration is done through cmake – an example which must be modified is provided at docker/ Create a configure script defining your compilers (likely clang if Mac and gcc if Linux) and pointing to your SEACAS repo and Anaconda environment installation of the required packages (which are all in your environment created above).
Hopefully you are then able to add your installed SEACAS to your PYTHONPATH and import the python wrappers:
python -c 'import exodus3; print("SUCCESS")'
Note if you have trouble doing this for a local build, try following the more detailed formula in Stage 3 of the docker file, docker/User-Env.Dockerfile.
Installing this package
Once you’ve got this environment set up, this package and the Rosetta dependency are installed via:
cd /path/to/this/repository
python -m pip install -e .
As in the docker case, a configuration file must be found. By default, installing this package places a copy of watershed_workflowrc in your home directory – this can and should be modified.
Run the test suite (developers)
Given that you have activated your environment and successfully install the DEV environment above, the unit tests should all pass. They are not all fast – some download files and may be internet-connection-speed dependent. You may be happy enough just running the core library tests:
pytest watershed_workflow/test
but you can also run the entire suite:
pytest watershed_workflow
Additionally, all ipynb files in examples should successfully complete.