Source code for watershed_workflow.triangulation

"""Triangulates polygons"""
import logging
import collections
import itertools
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.spatial

import shapely

import watershed_workflow.river_tree
import watershed_workflow.split_hucs

[docs] class Nodes: """A collection of nodes that are indexed in the order they are added. Note this uses round() for an efficient solution, which is potentially fragile if numbers were not generated consistently. In this use case, however, it should be safe -- numbers were originally rounded (in watershed_workflow.config), and then any function which inserted new points or moved points were always careful to ensure that all duplicates were always assigned the identical values -- i.e. all math was done BEFORE assignment. So duplicates have identical representations in floating point. This suggests we shouldn't have to round here at all, but we do anyway to keep things cleaner. """ def __init__(self, decimals=3): self.decimals = decimals self._i = 0 self._store = collections.OrderedDict() def __len__(self): """Length is tracked by the counter""" return self._i def __getitem__(self, key): """Get item index, setting if default.""" # Note this implementation could be optimized, and should be # done so assuming keys are NOT there, which is the most # likely case. key = tuple(round(p, self.decimals) for p in key) if key not in self._store: self._store[key] = self._i self._i += 1 return self._store[key] def __iter__(self): """Iterable collection""" for k in self._store.keys(): yield k
[docs] def oneway_trip_connect(inds): """Connect indices in edges in a oneway fashion""" return [(inds[i], inds[i + 1]) for i in range(len(inds) - 1)]
[docs] def round_trip_connect(inds): """Connect indices in edges in a round-trip fashion""" return oneway_trip_connect(inds) + [(inds[-1], inds[0]), ]
def orient(e): if e[0] > e[1]: return e[1], e[0] elif e[0] < e[1]: return e[0], e[1] else: return None
[docs] class NodesEdges: """A collection of nodes and edges.""" def __init__(self, objlist=None): self.nodes = Nodes() self.edges = set() if objlist != None: [self.add(obj) for obj in objlist]
[docs] def add(self, obj): """Adds nodes and edges from obj into collection.""" if type(obj) is shapely.geometry.LineString: inds = [self.nodes[c] for c in obj.coords] [self.edges.add(orient(e)) for e in oneway_trip_connect(inds) if orient(e)] elif type(obj) is shapely.geometry.Polygon: inds = [self.nodes[c] for c in obj.boundary.coords] [self.edges.add(orient(e)) for e in round_trip_connect(inds) if orient(e)] else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for add, %r" % type(obj))
[docs] def check(self, tol): """Checks consistency of the interal representation."""" checking graph consistency")" tolerance is set to {}".format(tol)) min_dist = 1.e10 coords = np.array(list(self.nodes)) kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(coords) bad_pairs = kdtree.query_pairs(tol) # Retrieve the coordinates for each bad pair bad_pair_coords = [(coords[i], coords[j]) for i, j in bad_pairs] if len(bad_pairs) != 0: raise ValueError('tol= {} is too large, try decrease tolerance!'.format(tol) + 'or check bad pairs={}'.format(bad_pair_coords)) min_node = min(self.nodes[n] for n in self.nodes) max_node = max(self.nodes[n] for n in self.nodes) assert (min_node == 0) assert (max_node == len(self.nodes) - 1) min_edge_node = min(n for e in self.edges for n in e) max_edge_node = max(n for e in self.edges for n in e) assert (min_edge_node == 0) assert (max_edge_node == len(self.nodes) - 1)
[docs] def triangulate(hucs, river_corrs=None, internal_boundaries=None, hole_points=None, tol=1, **kwargs): """Triangulates HUCs and rivers. Note, refinement of a given triangle is done if any of the provided criteria is met. Parameters ---------- hucs : SplitHUCs A split-form HUC object from, e.g., get_split_form_hucs() river_corrs : list(shapely.geometry.Polygons), optional A list of river corridor polygons for each river refinement_polygon : list, optional List of RiverTrees or other iterable collections of coordinates used to refine the mesh given the distance function refinement. internal_boundaries : list, optional List of shapely objects or RiverTrees or other iterable collections of coordinates used as internal boundaries that must be included in the mesh. hole_points : list(shapely.Point), optional List of points inside the polygons to be left as holes/voids (excluded from mesh). tol : float, optional Set tolerance for minimum distance between two nodes. The unit is the same as that of the watershed's CRS. The default is 1. Additional keyword arguments include all options for """ import meshpy.triangle"Triangulating...") segments = list(hucs.segments) if internal_boundaries != None: if type(internal_boundaries) is list: for item in internal_boundaries: if isinstance(item, shapely.geometry.LineString) or isinstance( item, shapely.geometry.Polygon): segments = [item, ] + segments elif isinstance(item, watershed_workflow.river_tree.River): segments = list(item) + segments elif isinstance(internal_boundaries, shapely.geometry.Polygon): segments = [internal_boundaries, ] + segments if river_corrs != None: if type(river_corrs) is list: segments = river_corrs + segments elif type(river_corrs) is shapely.geometry.Polygon: segments = [river_corrs, ] + segments else: raise RuntimeError("Triangulate not implemented for container of type '%r'" % type(hucs)) nodes_edges = NodesEdges(segments)" %i points and %i facets" % (len(nodes_edges.nodes), len(nodes_edges.edges))) nodes_edges.check(tol=tol)" building graph data structures") info = meshpy.triangle.MeshInfo() nodes = np.array(list(nodes_edges.nodes), dtype=np.float64) pdata = [tuple([float(c) for c in p]) for p in nodes] info.set_points(pdata) fdata = [[int(i) for i in f] for f in nodes_edges.edges] info.set_facets(fdata) if river_corrs is not None: # adding hole in the river corridor for quad elements"defining hole..") rc_hole_points = [] for river_corr in river_corrs: rc_hole_point = pick_hole_point(river_corr) rc_hole_points.append(rc_hole_point.coords[0]) # a point inside the river corridor assert (river_corr.contains(rc_hole_point)) if hole_points != None: hole_points = hole_points + rc_hole_points else: hole_points = rc_hole_points info.set_holes(hole_points)"") # pop this option if false, which silences the warning if it does # not exist but we didn't ask for it anyway. if 'enforce_delaunay' in kwargs.keys() and not kwargs['enforce_delaunay']: kwargs.pop('enforce_delaunay') try: mesh =, **kwargs) except TypeError as err: try: # our modification to meshpy.triangle is not present, try without it kwargs.pop('enforce_delaunay') except KeyError: raise err else: logging.warning( "Triangulate: '--enforce-delaunay' option requires a hacked `meshpy.triangle`. Proceeding without this option because it is not recognized." ) mesh =, **kwargs) mesh_points = np.array(mesh.points) mesh_tris = np.array(mesh.elements)" ...built: %i mesh points and %i triangles" % (len(mesh_points), len(mesh_tris))) return mesh_points, mesh_tris
[docs] def refine_from_max_area(max_area): """Returns a refinement function based on max area, for use with Triangle.""" def refine(vertices, area): """A function for use with watershed_workflow.triangulate.triangulate's refinement_func argument based on a global max area.""" res = bool(area > max_area) # if area < 1.e-5: # raise RuntimeError("TinyTriangle Error") return res return refine
[docs] def refine_from_river_distance(near_distance, near_area, away_distance, away_area, rivers): """Returns a graded refinement function based upon a distance function from rivers, for use with Triangle. Triangle area must be smaller than near_area when the triangle centroid is within near_distance from the river network. Area must be smaller than away_area when the triangle centroid is at least away_distance from the river network. Area must be smaller than a linear interpolant between near_area and away_area when between near_distance and away_distance from the river network. """ def max_area_valid(distance): """A function to make sure max area scales with distance from river network Units in [m] """ if distance > away_distance: area = away_area elif distance < near_distance: area = near_area else: area = near_area + (distance-near_distance) / (away_distance -near_distance) * (away_area-near_area) return area if type(rivers[0]) == shapely.geometry.Polygon: river_multiline = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(rivers) else: river_multiline = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString([r for river in rivers for r in river]) def refine(vertices, area): """A function for use with watershed_workflow.triangulate.triangulate's refinement_func argument based on size gradation from a river.""" bary = np.sum(np.array(vertices), axis=0) / 3 bary_p = shapely.geometry.Point(bary[0], bary[1]) distance = bary_p.distance(river_multiline) max_area = max_area_valid(distance) res = bool(area > max_area_valid(distance)) #logging.debug("refine? area = %g, distance = %g, max_area = %g: refine = %r"%(area,distance,max_area,res)) return res return refine
[docs] def refine_from_max_edge_length(edge_length): """Returns a refinement function based on max edge length, for use with Triangle.""" def refine(vertices, area): verts4 = np.array([vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], vertices[0]]) edge_lengths = la.norm(verts4[1:] - verts4[:-1], 2, 1) return bool(edge_lengths.max() > edge_length) return refine
[docs] def pick_hole_point(poly): """A function to pick a point inside a polygon""" nodes_edges_rc = NodesEdges([poly]) p1 = list(nodes_edges_rc.nodes)[0] p2 = list(nodes_edges_rc.nodes)[-1] p3 = list(nodes_edges_rc.nodes)[1] p4 = list(nodes_edges_rc.nodes)[-2] return shapely.geometry.MultiPoint([p1, p2, p3, p4]).centroid