Source code for watershed_workflow.split_hucs

"""A module for working with multi-polys, a MultiLine that together forms a Polygon"""

import logging
import numpy as np
import collections
import copy

import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
import shapely.errors

import watershed_workflow.utils

_abs_tol = 1
_rel_tol = 1.e-5

[docs] class GeometryError(Exception): pass
[docs] class HandledCollection: """A collection of of objects and handles for those objects.""" def __init__(self, objs=None): """Create""" self._store = dict() self._key = 0 if objs is not None: self.add_many(objs) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get an object""" return self._store[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Set an object""" self._store[key] = val
[docs] def add(self, value): """Adds a object, returning a handle to that object""" self._store[self._key] = value ret = self._key self._key += 1 return ret
[docs] def add_many(self, values): """Add many objects, returning a list of handles.""" return [self.add(v) for v in values]
[docs] def pop(self, key): """Removes a handle and its object.""" return self._store.pop(key)
def __iter__(self): """Generator for the collection.""" for v in self._store.values(): yield v def __len__(self): return len(self._store)
[docs] def handles(self): """Generator for handles""" for k in self._store.keys(): yield k
def keys(self): for it in self._store.keys(): yield it def items(self): for it in self._store.items(): yield it
[docs] class SplitHUCs: """Class for dealing with the multiple interacting views of HUCs Parameters ---------- shapes : list[Polygon] The shapes to be split, one per subcatchment to be delineated. abs_tol : float Distance used in defining small holes at intersections to ignore. rel_tol : float Relative to the shapes area, a tolerance for defining small holes on intersections. exterior_outlet : np.array((2,)) Location of the outlet of the entire domain. polygon_outlets : np.array((len(shapes), 2)) Location of the outlets of each polygon. The resulting class instance includes the following views into data: segments : HandledCollection[LineString] unique list of all segments, a HandledCollection of LineStrings boundaries : HandledCollection[int] A HandledCollection of handles into segments, identifying those segments on the outer boundary of the collection. intersections : HandledCollection[int] A HandledCollection of handles into segments, identifying those segments on the shared, inner boundaries. gons : list[HandledCollection[int], HandledCollection[int]] One per polygon provided, a pair of HandledCollections, identifying the collection of handles into intersetctions and boudaries that make up thos polygon. """ def __init__(self, shapes, abs_tol=_abs_tol, rel_tol=_rel_tol, exterior_outlet=None, polygon_outlets=None): # all shapes are stored as a collection of collections of segments self.segments = HandledCollection() # stores segments # Intersect and split the HUCs into unique segments. Every # segment in segments is referenced exactly once in either boundaries # or intersections. self.boundaries = HandledCollection() # stores handles into segments self.intersections = HandledCollection() # stores handles into segments # save the property dictionaries to give back upon request = [ if hasattr(s, 'properties') else None for s in shapes] # save outlets if polygon_outlets is not None: assert len(shapes) == len(polygon_outlets) for out in polygon_outlets: assert type(out) is shapely.geometry.Point self.polygon_outlets = polygon_outlets if exterior_outlet is not None: assert type(exterior_outlet) is shapely.geometry.Point self.exterior_outlet = exterior_outlet # initialize assert (all(isinstance(poly, shapely.geometry.Polygon) for poly in shapes)) shapes = partition(shapes, abs_tol, rel_tol) assert (all(isinstance(poly, shapely.geometry.Polygon) for poly in shapes)) uniques, intersections = intersectAndSplit(shapes) boundary_gon = [HandledCollection() for i in range(len(shapes))] for i, u in enumerate(uniques): if watershed_workflow.utils.is_empty_shapely(u): pass elif type(u) is shapely.geometry.LineString: handle = self.segments.add(u) bhandle = self.boundaries.add(HandledCollection([handle, ])) boundary_gon[i].add(bhandle) elif type(u) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: handles = self.segments.add_many(u) bhandles = self.boundaries.add_many([HandledCollection([h, ]) for h in handles]) boundary_gon[i].add_many(bhandles) else: raise RuntimeError( "Uniques from intersectAndSplit is not None, LineString, or MultiLineString?") intersection_gon = [HandledCollection() for i in range(len(shapes))] for i in range(len(shapes)): for j in range(len(shapes)): inter = intersections[i][j] if watershed_workflow.utils.is_empty_shapely(inter): pass elif type(inter) is shapely.geometry.LineString: #print("Adding linestring intersection") handle = self.segments.add(inter) ihandle = self.intersections.add(HandledCollection([handle, ])) intersection_gon[i].add(ihandle) intersection_gon[j].add(ihandle) elif type(inter) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: handles = self.segments.add_many(list(inter)) ihandles = self.intersections.add_many( [HandledCollection([h, ]) for h in handles]) intersection_gon[i].add_many(ihandles) intersection_gon[j].add_many(ihandles) else: raise RuntimeError( "Intersections from intersectAndSplit is not None, LineString, or MultiLineString?" ) # the list of shapes, each entry in the list is a tuple self.gons = [(u, i) for u, i in zip(boundary_gon, intersection_gon)]
[docs] def polygon(self, i): """Construct polygon i and return a copy.""" segs = [] boundary, inter = self.gons[i] for h_boundary in boundary: for s in self.boundaries[h_boundary]: segs.append(self.segments[s]) for h_intersection in inter: for s in self.intersections[h_intersection]: segs.append(self.segments[s]) ml = shapely.ops.linemerge(segs) assert (type(ml) is shapely.geometry.LineString) poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(ml) =[i] return poly
[docs] def polygons(self): """Iterate over the polygons.""" for i in range(len(self.gons)): yield self.polygon(i)
[docs] def spines(self): """Iterate over spines.""" for b in self.boundaries: yield b for i in self.intersections: yield i
[docs] def exterior(self): """Construct boundary polygon and return a copy.""" segs = [] for b in self.boundaries: for s in b: segs.append(self.segments[s]) ml = shapely.ops.linemerge(segs) if type(ml) is shapely.geometry.LineString: return shapely.geometry.Polygon(ml) else: return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon([shapely.geometry.Polygon(l) for l in ml])
[docs] def deep_copy(self): """Return a deep copy""" cp = copy.deepcopy(self) return cp
def __len__(self): return len(self.gons)
[docs] def simplify(hucs, tol=0.1): """Simplify, IN PLACE, all segments in the polygon representation.""" for i, seg in hucs.segments.items(): hucs.segments[i] = seg.simplify(tol)
[docs] def removeHoles(polygons, abs_tol=_abs_tol, rel_tol=_rel_tol, remove_all_interior=True): """Removes interior small holes between the boundaries of polygons. Note this assumes the polygons are mostly disjoint. """ polygons = polygons[:]'Removing holes on {len(polygons)} polygons') assert (all(isinstance(p, shapely.geometry.Polygon) for p in polygons)) # first remove interior holes if remove_all_interior: polygons2 = [shapely.geometry.Polygon(p.exterior) for p in polygons] for p1, p2 in zip(polygons, polygons2): if hasattr(p1, 'properties'): = polygons = polygons2' -- removed interior') union = shapely.ops.unary_union(polygons)' -- union') # -- deal with disjoint sections separately if isinstance(union, shapely.geometry.Polygon): union = [union, ] else: # MultiPolygon --> list of polygons union = [p for p in union]'Parsing {len(union)} components for holes') big_holes = [] for part in union: # find all holes for hole in part.interiors: hole = shapely.geometry.Polygon(hole) if hole.area > 0: if hole.area < (abs_tol**2) or hole.area < rel_tol * part.area: # give it to someone, anyone, doesn't matter who'Found a little hole: area = {hole.area} at {hole.centroid}') try: i, poly = next( (i, poly) for (i, poly) in enumerate(polygons) if watershed_workflow.utils.non_point_intersection(poly, hole)) logging.debug(f' placing in shape {i}') polygons[i] = poly.union(hole) if hasattr(poly, 'properties'): polygons[i].properties = except StopIteration: pass else:'Found a big hole: area = {hole.area}, leaving it alone...') big_holes.append(hole) # for i, poly in enumerate(polygons): # if isinstance(poly,shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection) or isinstance(poly,shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): # polygons[i] = list(sorted(poly, key=lambda a : -a.area))[0] # if hasattr(poly, 'properties'): # polygons[i].properties = # assert(all(isinstance(p, shapely.geometry.Polygon) for p in polygons))' -- complete') return polygons, big_holes
[docs] def partition(list_of_shapes, abs_tol=_abs_tol, rel_tol=_rel_tol): """Given a list of shapes which mostly share boundaries, make sure they partition the space. Often HUC boundaries have minor overlaps and underlaps -- here we try to account for wiggles. Modifies the list. """ # for i, s in enumerate(list_of_shapes): # props = # s=s.buffer(1) # = props # list_of_shapes[i]=s # deal with overlaps for i in range(len(list_of_shapes)): s1 = list_of_shapes[i] for j in range(i + 1, len(list_of_shapes)): s2 = list_of_shapes[j] try: if watershed_workflow.utils.volumetric_intersection(s1, s2): props = s2 = s2.difference(s1) if isinstance(s2, shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry): s2 = biggest(s2) list_of_shapes[j] = s2 list_of_shapes[j].properties = props except shapely.errors.TopologicalError as err: raise shapely.errors.TopologicalError(f'When intersection polygons {i} and {j}: ' + str(err)) # remove holes list_of_shapes, holes = removeHoles(list_of_shapes, abs_tol, rel_tol) return list_of_shapes
[docs] def intersectAndSplit(list_of_shapes): """Given a list of shapes which share boundaries (i.e. they partition some space), return a compilation of their segments. Parameters ---------- list_of_shapes : list[shapely.geometry.Polygon] The polygons to intersect and split, of length N. Returns ------- uniques : list[None | shapely.geometry.LineString | shapely.geometry.MultiLineString] An N-length-list of the entities describing the exterior boundary. intersections : list[list[None | shapely.geometry.LineString | shapely.geometry.MultiLineString]] An NxN list of lists of the entities describing the interior boundary. """ intersections = [[None for i in range(len(list_of_shapes))] for j in range(len(list_of_shapes))] uniques = [shapely.geometry.LineString(list(sh.exterior.coords)) for sh in list_of_shapes] for i, s1 in enumerate(list_of_shapes): for j, s2 in enumerate(list_of_shapes): if i != j and watershed_workflow.utils.non_point_intersection(s1, s2): inter = s1.intersection(s2) if type(inter) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: inter = shapely.ops.linemerge(inter) if type(inter) is shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection: parts_lines = [l for l in inter if isinstance(l, shapely.geometry.LineString)] parts_points = [p for p in inter if isinstance(p, shapely.geometry.Point)] parts_polys = [p for p in inter if isinstance(p, shapely.geometry.Polygon)] mls = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString(parts_lines) left_over_polys = [] for poly in parts_polys: mps = poly.intersection(mls) # print(mps) assert (isinstance(mps, shapely.geometry.MultiPoint)) assert (len(mps) == 2) parts_lines.append( shapely.geometry.LineString([mps[0].coords[0], mps[1].coords[0]])) inter = shapely.ops.linemerge(parts_lines) # if (isinstance(mps, shapely.geometry.MultiPoint)) and (len(mps) == 2): # parts_lines.append(shapely.geometry.LineString([mps[0].coords[0], mps[1].coords[0]])) # else: # left_over_polys.append(poly) # mls_poly = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString([poly.exterior for poly in left_over_polys]) # inter_with_polyrings = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString(parts_lines+list(mls_poly)) # inter = shapely.ops.linemerge(inter_with_polyrings) if type(inter) is shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection or \ type(inter) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: f'HUC intersection yielded collection of odd types: {set(type(i) for i in inter)}' ) err = GeometryError('HUC intersection yielded collection of odd types') err.polys = list_of_shapes err.i_p1 = i err.p1 = s1 err.i_p2 = j err.p2 = s2 err.inter = inter raise err if type(inter) is not shapely.geometry.LineString:'Hopefully hole in HUC intersection: ({},{}) = {}'.format( i, j, type(inter))) if type(inter) is not shapely.geometry.LineString and \ type(inter) is not shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: raise RuntimeError('things are breaking...') diff = uniques[i].difference(s2) if type(diff) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: diff = shapely.ops.linemerge(diff) uniques[i] = diff # only save once! if i > j: intersections[i][j] = inter # merge uniques, as we have a bunch of segments. for i, u in enumerate(uniques): if type(u) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: uniques[i] = shapely.ops.linemerge(uniques[i]) uniques_r = [None, ] * len(uniques) for i, u in enumerate(uniques): if not watershed_workflow.utils.is_empty_shapely(u): uniques_r[i] = u return uniques_r, intersections
[docs] def find_outlets_by_crossings(hucs, river, tol=None, debug_plot=False): """For each HUC, find all outlets using a river network's crossing points.""" if tol is None: tol = 10 # next determine the outlet, and all boundary edges within x m of that outlet polygons = list(hucs.polygons()) poly_crossings = [] for i_sub, poly in enumerate(polygons): my_crossings = [] for reach in river.preOrder(): if poly.exterior.intersects(reach.segment): my_crossings.append(poly.exterior.intersection(reach.segment)) # cluster my_crossings to make sure that multiple crossings are only counted once my_crossing_centroids = [] for crossing in my_crossings: my_crossing_centroids.append([crossing.centroid.xy[0][0], crossing.centroid.xy[1][0]]) my_crossing_centroids = np.array(my_crossing_centroids) if len(my_crossing_centroids) > 1: clusters, cluster_centroids = watershed_workflow.utils.cluster( my_crossing_centroids, tol) else: cluster_centroids = my_crossing_centroids poly_crossings.append(cluster_centroids)"Crossings by Polygon:") for i, c in enumerate(poly_crossings):' Polygon {i}') for p in c:' crossing: {p}') # unravel the clusters all_crossings = [c for p in poly_crossings for c in p] # cluster crossings that are within tolerance across polygons crossings_clusters_indices, crossings_clusters_centroids = \ watershed_workflow.utils.cluster(all_crossings, tol) # now group cluster ids by polygon and polygon ids by cluster poly_cluster_indices = dict() cluster_poly_indices = collections.defaultdict(list) lcv = 0 for lcv_poly, pc in enumerate(poly_crossings): my_inds = [] for c in pc: my_inds.append(crossings_clusters_indices[lcv]) lcv += 1 poly_cluster_indices[lcv_poly] = my_inds for ci in my_inds: cluster_poly_indices[ci].append(lcv_poly) # assert equivalent for pi, clusters in poly_cluster_indices.items(): for ci in clusters: assert (pi in cluster_poly_indices[ci]) for ci, polys in cluster_poly_indices.items(): for pi in polys: assert (ci in poly_cluster_indices[pi]) # create a tree, recursively finding all polygons with only # one crossing -- this must be an outlet -- then removing it # from the list, hopefully leaving a downstream polygon with # only one outlet. This must be done N iterations, where N is # the maximal number of polygons crossed from 0th order to # maximal order.'Constructing outlet list') outlets = dict() inlets = collections.defaultdict(list) itercount = 0 done = False while not done:'Iteration = {itercount}')'-----------------') new_outlets = dict() # look for polygons with only one crossing -- this must be an outlet. for pi, clusters in poly_cluster_indices.items(): if len(clusters) == 1 and pi not in outlets: # only one crossing cluster, this is the outlet cluster_id = clusters[0] new_outlets[pi] = cluster_id cluster_poly_indices[cluster_id].remove(pi) f' poly outlet {pi} : {cluster_id}, {crossings_clusters_centroids[cluster_id]}') last_outlet = cluster_id last_outlet_poly = pi # look for clusters with only one poly -- this must be an inlet to_remove = [] for ci, polys in cluster_poly_indices.items(): if len(polys) == 1: poly_id = polys[0] poly_cluster_indices[poly_id].remove(ci)' poly inlet {poly_id} : {ci}, {crossings_clusters_centroids[ci]}') to_remove.append(ci) inlets[poly_id].append(ci) for ci in to_remove: cluster_poly_indices.pop(ci) if debug_plot and len(new_outlets) > 0: fig, ax = watershed_workflow.plot.get_ax(None) watershed_workflow.plot.shplys(polygons, None, color='k', ax=ax) watershed_workflow.plot.rivers([river, ], None, color='b', ax=ax) for pi, ci in outlets.items(): outlet = crossings_clusters_centroids[ci] ax.scatter([outlet[0], ], [outlet[1], ], s=100, c='b', marker='o') for pi, ci in new_outlets.items(): outlet = crossings_clusters_centroids[ci] ax.scatter([outlet[0], ], [outlet[1], ], s=100, c='r', marker='o') for ci in range(len(crossings_clusters_centroids)): if ci not in outlets.values() and ci not in new_outlets.values(): crossing = crossings_clusters_centroids[ci] ax.scatter([crossing[0], ], [crossing[1], ], s=100, c='k', marker='o') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt ax.set_title(f'Outlets after iteration {itercount}') outlets.update(new_outlets) itercount += 1 done = itercount > 50 or len(outlets) == len(polygons) or len(new_outlets) == 0 f'last outlet is {last_outlet} in polygon {last_outlet_poly} at {crossings_clusters_centroids[last_outlet]}' ) # create the output outlet_locs = {} inlet_locs = {} for pi, ci in outlets.items(): outlet = crossings_clusters_centroids[ci] outlet_locs[pi] = shapely.geometry.Point(outlet[0], outlet[1]) for pi, cis in inlets.items(): my_inlet_locs = [] for ci in cis: inlet = crossings_clusters_centroids[ci] my_inlet_locs.append(shapely.geometry.Point(inlet[0], inlet[1])) inlet_locs[pi] = my_inlet_locs last_outlet_p = crossings_clusters_centroids[last_outlet] last_outlet_loc = shapely.geometry.Point(last_outlet_p[0], last_outlet_p[1]) hucs.exterior_outlet = last_outlet_loc hucs.polygon_outlets = outlet_locs
[docs] def find_outlets_by_elevation(hucs, crs, elev_raster, elev_raster_profile): """Find outlets by the minimum elevation on the boundary.""" import watershed_workflow exterior = hucs.exterior().exterior mesh_points = np.array([exterior.coords])[0, :, :] mesh_points = watershed_workflow.elevate(mesh_points, crs, elev_raster, elev_raster_profile) i = np.argmin(mesh_points[:, 2]) hucs.exterior_outlet = shapely.geometry.Point(mesh_points[i, 0], mesh_points[i, 1]) outlets = [] for poly in hucs.polygons(): mesh_points = np.array([poly.exterior.coords])[0, :, :] mesh_points = watershed_workflow.elevate(mesh_points, crs, elev_raster, elev_raster_profile) i = np.argmin(mesh_points[:, 2]) outlets.append(shapely.geometry.Point(mesh_points[i, 0], mesh_points[i, 1])) hucs.polygon_outlets = outlets
[docs] def find_outlets_by_hydroseq(hucs, river, tol=0): """Find outlets using the HydroSequence VAA of NHDPlus. Finds the minimum hydroseq reach in each HUC, and intersects that with the boundary to find the outlet. """ polygons = list(hucs.polygons()) polygon_outlets = [None for poly in hucs.polygons()] # iterate over the reaches, sorted by hydrosequence, looking for # the first one that intersects the polygon boundary. assert (river.is_hydroseq_consistent()) reaches = sorted(river.preOrder(), key=lambda r:['HydrologicSequence']) if tol > 0: reaches = [r.segment.buffer(tol) for r in reaches] else: reaches = [r.segment for r in reaches] first = True poly_ids = [(i, poly) for (i, poly) in enumerate(polygons)] for lcv, reach in enumerate(reaches): try: j, (poly_i, poly) = next((j,(i,poly)) for (j,(i,poly)) in enumerate(poly_ids) \ if poly.intersects(reach)) except StopIteration: continue else: # find the intersection logging.debug(f'hydroseq {lcv} is a match for polygon {poly_i}') intersect = poly.exterior.intersection(reach) if intersect.is_empty: # find the nearest point instead intersect = shapely.ops.nearest_points(poly.exterior, reach)[0] else: intersect = intersect.centroid if first: hucs.exterior_outlet = intersect first = False polygon_outlets[poly_i] = intersect poly_ids.pop(j) if len(poly_ids) == 0: break hucs.polygon_outlets = polygon_outlets
[docs] def computeNonOverlappingPolygons(polys, abs_tol=_abs_tol, rel_tol=_rel_tol, remove_all_interior=True): """Given a list of overlapping contributing area polygons, compute a nonoverlapping set. Often we wish to use SplitHucs constructed from the "delta contributing area", e.g. the full domain is defined by a single polygon, then multiple gages on the river network CAs are used to form the subdomains. This splits the overlapping contributing areas into the delta contributing area for each gage, returning a non-overlapping set of polygons, one per original polygon. Properties are presereved. Parameters ---------- polys : list[shapely.geometry.Polygon] The overlapping CAs Returns ------- partition : list[shapely.geometry.Polygon] The non-overlapping delta CAs. holes : list[shapely.geometry.Polygon] Holes in the partition that are bigger than the tolerance. """ assert (all(isinstance(p, shapely.geometry.Polygon) for p in polys)) assert (all(hasattr(p, 'properties') for p in polys)) sorted_polys = sorted(polys, key=lambda a: a.area, reverse=True) # form the tree'Create {len(roots)} roots') def print(r, ntabs):' '*ntabs + f'node {["ID"]}') for n in r.children: print(n, ntabs + 1) for i, root in enumerate(roots):'Root {i}:') print(root, 1) assert (all(hasattr(node, 'properties') for root in roots for node in root.preOrder())) # now, at each level, subtract all the containing children. note # we want to work down the tree here big_holes = [] for root in roots: for node in root.preOrder(): if len(node.children) > 0:'First Remove Holes') child_polys, holes = removeHoles([c.poly for c in node.children], abs_tol, rel_tol, remove_all_interior) big_holes.extend(holes) upstream = shapely.ops.unary_union(child_polys + holes) assert (isinstance(node.poly, shapely.geometry.Polygon)) node.poly = node.poly.difference(upstream) if isinstance(node.poly, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): node.poly = biggest(list(node.poly)) assert (isinstance(node.poly, shapely.geometry.Polygon)) def getPoly(node): poly = node.poly = return poly partition = [getPoly(n) for n in root.preOrder()] #return partition, big_holes'Second Remove Holes') partition, holes = removeHoles(partition, abs_tol, rel_tol, remove_all_interior) assert (all(hasattr(p, 'properties') for p in partition)) return partition, holes
def biggest(list_of_shapes): return next(reversed(sorted(list_of_shapes, key=lambda a: a.area)))