"""Manager for downloading SoilGrids250m-2017 products."""
import os, sys
import logging
import numpy as np
import shapely
import rasterio
import rasterio.mask
import watershed_workflow.sources.utils as source_utils
import watershed_workflow.sources.names
import watershed_workflow.warp
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_raster import FileManagerRaster
class FileManagerSoilGrids2017:
"""SoilGrids 250m (2017) datasets.
SoilGrids 2017 maintains, to date, the only complete
characterization of all soil properties needed for a hydrologic
model. The resolution is decent, and the accuracy is ok, but most
importantly it is complete.
.. [SoilGrids2017] https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids-2017
.. [hengl2014soilgrids] Hengl, Tomislav, et al. "SoilGrids1km—global soil information based on automated mapping." PloS one 9.8 (2014): e105992.
.. [hengl2017soilgrids] Hengl, Tomislav, et al. "SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning." PLoS one 12.2 (2017): e0169748.
See the above link for a complete listing of potential variable
names; included here are a subset used by this code. That said,
any 2017 filename can be used with this source manager.
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 25 75
* - name
- units
- description
- :math:`cm`
- Absolute depth to continuous, unfractured bedrock.
- :math:`kg m^-3`
- Bulk density of fine earth
- :math:`%`
- percent clay
- :math:`%`
- percent silt
- :math:`%`
- percent sand
* - WWP
- :math:`%`
- Soil water capacity % at wilting point
URL = "https://files.isric.org/soilgrids/former/2017-03-10/data/"
DEPTHS = [0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 2.0]
def __init__(self, variant=None):
if variant == 'US':
self.name = 'SoilGrids2017_US'
self.names = watershed_workflow.sources.names.Names(
self.name, 'soil_structure', self.name, '{variable}_M_{soillevel}250m_ll_us.tif')
self.name = 'SoilGrids2017'
self.names = watershed_workflow.sources.names.Names(
self.name, 'soil_structure', self.name, '{variable}_M_{soillevel}250m_ll.tif')
def get_raster(self, shply, crs, variable, layer=None, force_download=False):
"""Download and read a raster for this shape, clipping to the shape.
shply : fiona or shapely shape or bounds
Shape to provide bounds of the raster.
crs : CRS
CRS of the shape.
variable : str
The SoilGrids variable, see class-level documentation for
layer : int, optional
Soil layer, from 0 (top) to 7 (bottom). Only valid for
vertically distributed quantities.
force_download : bool, optional
Download or re-download the file if true.
profile : rasterio profile
Profile of the raster.
raster : np.ndarray
Array containing the elevation data.
Note that the raster provided is in SoilGrids native CRS
(which is in the rasterio profile), not the shape's CRS.
# download (or hopefully don't) the file
filename, profile = self._download(variable, layer)
logging.info(f"SoilGrids CRS: {profile['crs']}")
# load the raster
logging.info(f"filename: {filename}")
manager = FileManagerRaster(filename)
return manager.get_raster(shply, crs)
def get_depth_to_bedrock(self, shply, crs, force_download=False):
profile, raster = self.get_raster(shply, crs, 'BDTICM', None, force_download)
raster = raster / 100 # cm --> m
return profile, raster
def get_soil_texture(self, shply, crs, layer, force_download=False):
rasters = []
if layer == -1:
layer = 7
for i, variable in enumerate(['SNDPPT', 'SLTPPT', 'CLYPPT']):
prof, raster = self.get_raster(shply, crs, variable, layer, force_download)
rasters = np.array(rasters)
return prof, rasters
def get_all_soil_texture(self, shply, crs, force_download=False):
rasters = []
for layer in range(1, 8):
prof, raster = self.get_soil_texture(shply, crs, layer, force_download)
rasters = np.array(rasters)
return prof, rasters
def get_bulk_density(self, shply, crs, layer, force_download=False):
if layer == -1:
layer = 7
return self.get_raster(shply, crs, 'BLDFIE', layer, force_download)
def get_all_bulk_density(self, shply, crs, force_download=False):
rasters = []
for layer in range(1, 8):
prof, raster = self.get_bulk_density(shply, crs, layer, force_download)
rasters = np.array(rasters)
return prof, rasters
def get_layer7(self, shply, crs, force_download=False):
data = dict()
prof, data['bulk density [kg m^-3]'] = self.get_bulk_density(shply, crs, -1, force_download)
_, data['texture [%]'] = self.get_soil_texture(shply, crs, -1, force_download)
_, data['depth to bedrock [cm]'] = self.get_depth_to_bedrock(shply, crs, force_download)
return prof, data
def get_all(self, shply, crs, force_download=False):
data = dict()
prof, data['bulk density [kg m^-3]'] = self.get_all_bulk_density(shply, crs, force_download)
_, data['texture [%]'] = self.get_all_soil_texture(shply, crs, force_download)
_, data['depth to bedrock [m]'] = self.get_depth_to_bedrock(shply, crs, force_download)
return prof, data
def _download(self, variable, layer=None, force=False):
"""Downloads individual files via direct download."""
os.makedirs(self.names.folder_name(), exist_ok=True)
if layer is None:
soillevel = ''
soillevel = f'sl{layer}_'
filename = self.names.file_name(variable=variable, soillevel=soillevel)
# download file
filename_base = self.names.file_name_base(variable=variable, soillevel=soillevel)
url = self.URL + filename_base
source_utils.download(url, filename, force)
# return raster profile
with rasterio.open(filename, 'r') as fid:
profile = fid.profile
return filename, profile