Source code for watershed_workflow.sources.manager_shape

"""Basic manager for interacting with shapefiles.

import attr
import fiona

import watershed_workflow.warp
import watershed_workflow.utils
import watershed_workflow.config

[docs] @attr.s class FileManagerShape: """A simple class for reading shapefiles. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the shapefile. """ _filename = attr.ib(type=str) name = 'shapefile'
[docs] def get_shape(self, *args, **kwargs): """Read the file and filter to get shapes, then ensures there is only one match. Parameters ---------- See that of get_shapes(). Returns ------- profile : dict Fiona profile of the shapefile. shapes : list(dict) List of fiona shapes that match the index or bounds. """ profile, shps = self.get_shapes(*args, **kwargs) if len(shps) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Filtered shapefile contains more than one match.") return profile, shps[0]
[docs] def get_shapes(self, index_or_bounds=-1, crs=None): """Read the file and filter to get shapes. This accepts either an index, which is the integer index of the desired shape in the file, or a bounding box. Parameters ---------- index_or_bounds : int or [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Index of the requested shape in filename, or bounding box to filter shapes, or defaults to -1 to get them all. crs : crs-type Coordinate system of the bounding box (or None if index). Returns ------- profile : dict Fiona profile of the shapefile. shapes : list(dict) List of fiona shapes that match the index or bounds. """ with, 'r') as fid: profile = fid.profile if index_or_bounds is None or type(index_or_bounds) is int: if index_or_bounds != None and index_or_bounds >= 0: shps = [fid[index_or_bounds], ] else: shps = [s for s in fid] else: crs_file = profile['crs'] try: crs_file =['crs']) except # try to read a damaged file with only wkt crs_file =['crs_wkt']) profile['crs'] = bounds = watershed_workflow.warp.bounds(index_or_bounds, crs, crs_file) shps = [s for (i, s) in fid.items(bbox=bounds)] return profile, shps