Source code for watershed_workflow.sources.manager_raster

"""Basic manager for interacting with raster files.

import numpy as np
import attr
import rasterio
import logging

[docs] @attr.s class FileManagerRaster: """A simple class for reading rasters. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the raster file. """ _filename = attr.ib(type=str) name = 'raster'
[docs] def get_raster(self, shape, crs, band=1): """Download and read a DEM for this shape, clipping to the shape. Parameters ---------- shape : fiona or shapely shape Shape to provide bounds of the raster. crs : CRS CRS of the shape. band : int,optional Default is 1, the first band (1-indexed). Returns ------- profile : rasterio profile Profile of the raster. raster : np.ndarray Array containing the elevation data. Note that the raster provided is in its native CRS (which is in the rasterio profile), not the shape's CRS. """ if type(shape) is dict: shape = watershed_workflow.utils.create_shply(shape) with, 'r') as fid: profile = fid.profile # some raster profiles end up with inconsistent dtype and type(nodata)? if 'nodata' in profile and profile['nodata'] is not None: profile['nodata'] = np.array([profile['nodata'], ], dtype=profile['dtype'])[0] else: profile['nodata'] = None inv_transform = ~profile['transform'] # warp to my crs my_crs =['crs']) shply = watershed_workflow.warp.shply(shape, crs, my_crs) bounds = shply.bounds'bounds in my_crs: {bounds}') # find an appropriate window offset x0, y0 = inv_transform * (bounds[0], bounds[3]) x0 = int(np.floor(x0)) y0 = int(np.floor(y0)) # find an appropriate window size x1, y1 = inv_transform * (bounds[2], bounds[1]) x1 = int(np.ceil(x1)) y1 = int(np.ceil(y1)) # create the window window_profile = profile.copy() window_profile['height'] = y1 - y0 window_profile['width'] = x1 - x0 window =, row_off=y0, width=window_profile['width'], height=window_profile['height']) window_profile['transform'] =, profile['transform']) raster =, window=window) if (raster.shape != (window_profile['height'], window_profile['width'])): # the raster does not cover the domain! assert (raster.shape[0] <= window_profile['height']) assert (raster.shape[1] <= window_profile['width']) # create a new raster and set this raster in the right place raster_fullsize = window_profile['nodata'] * np.ones( (window_profile['height'], window_profile['width']), raster.dtype) if x0 < 0: x0_off = -x0 else: x0_off = 0 if x1 >= profile['width']: x1_off = window_profile['width'] - (x1 - profile['width']) else: x1_off = window_profile['width'] if y0 < 0: y0_off = -y0 else: y0_off = 0 if y1 >= profile['height']: y1_off = window_profile['height'] - (y1 - profile['height']) else: y1_off = window_profile['height'] raster_fullsize[y0_off:y1_off, x0_off:x1_off] = raster raster = raster_fullsize if 'nodata' in window_profile and window_profile['nodata'] is not None: window_profile['nodata'] = np.array([window_profile['nodata'], ], dtype=raster.dtype)[0] return window_profile, raster