Source code for watershed_workflow.sources.manager_nrcs

"""National Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey database.

Author: Ethan Coon (
Author: Pin Shuai (

import os, sys
import logging
import fiona
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas
import collections
import shapely.wkt

import watershed_workflow.sources.names
import watershed_workflow.warp
import watershed_workflow.utils
import watershed_workflow.soil_properties
import watershed_workflow.sources.utils as source_utils

_query_template_props = """
 saversion, saverest, l.areasymbol, l.areaname, l.lkey, musym, muname, museq, mu.mukey, comppct_r, compname, localphase, slope_r, c.cokey, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, ksat_r, sandtotal_r, claytotal_r, silttotal_r, dbthirdbar_r , partdensity, wsatiated_r, ch.chkey

FROM sacatalog sac
  INNER JOIN legend l ON l.areasymbol = sac.areasymbol
    INNER JOIN mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey
    AND mu.mukey IN
  LEFT OUTER JOIN component c ON c.mukey = mu.mukey
LEFT OUTER JOIN chorizon ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey

_query_template_shapes = """
    ( aoiid INT IDENTITY (1,1),
    landunit VARCHAR(20),
    aoigeom GEOMETRY )

SELECT @aoiGeom = GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText('{}', 4326);
SELECT @aoiGeomFixed = @aoiGeom.MakeValid().STUnion(@aoiGeom.STStartPoint());
INSERT INTO #AoiTable ( landunit, aoigeom )
VALUES ('My Geom', @aoiGeomFixed);
-- End of AOI geometry section
-- #AoiSoils table contains intersected soil polygon table with geometry
    ( polyid INT IDENTITY (1,1),
    aoiid INT,
    landunit VARCHAR(20),
    mukey INT,
    soilgeom GEOMETRY )
-- End of CREATE TABLE section
-- Populate #AoiSoils table with intersected soil polygon geometry
INSERT INTO #AoiSoils (aoiid, landunit, mukey, soilgeom)
    SELECT A.aoiid, A.landunit, M.mukey, M.mupolygongeo.STIntersection(A.aoigeom ) AS soilgeom
    FROM mupolygon M, #AoiTable A
    WHERE mupolygongeo.STIntersects(A.aoigeom) = 1
-- #AoiSoils2 is single part polygon
SELECT landunit, I.mukey, musym, soilgeom.STGeometryN(Numbers.n).MakeValid() AS wktgeom
FROM #AoiSoils AS I
JOIN Numbers ON Numbers.n <= I.soilgeom.STNumGeometries()
INNER JOIN mapunit M ON I.mukey = M.mukey

def synthesize_data(df):
    """Renames and calculates derived properties in a MUKEY-based data frame, in place"""
    # rename columns to improve readability
    rename_list = {
        'hzdept_r': 'top depth [cm]',
        'hzdepb_r': 'bot depth [cm]',
        'ksat_r': 'log Ksat [um s^-1]',
        'sandtotal_r': 'total sand pct [%]',
        'silttotal_r': 'total silt pct [%]',
        'claytotal_r': 'total clay pct [%]',
        'dbthirdbar_r': 'bulk density [g/cm^3]',
        'partdensity': 'particle density [g/cm^3]',
        'wsatiated_r': 'saturated water content [%]',
        'comppct_r': 'component pct [%]'

    df.rename(columns=rename_list, inplace=True)

    # preprocess data
    df['thickness [cm]'] = df['bot depth [cm]'] - df['top depth [cm]']
    df['porosity [-]'] = 1 - df['bulk density [g/cm^3]'] / df['particle density [g/cm^3]']

    # log Ksat to average in log space, setting a min perm of 1e-16 m^2 (1.e-3 um/s)
    df['log Ksat [um s^-1]'] = np.log10(np.maximum(df['log Ksat [um s^-1]'].values, 1.e-3))

    # assume null porosity = saturated water content
    df.loc[pandas.isnull(df['porosity [-]']), 'porosity [-]'] = \
        df.loc[pandas.isnull(df['porosity [-]']), 'saturated water content [%]']/100'found {len(df["mukey"].unique())} unique MUKEYs.')

def aggregate_component_values(df, agg_var=None):
    Aggregate horizon value by layer thickness to get component property.

    df_chorizon : pandas dataframe
      horizon table
    imukey_df : pandas dataframe
      individual mukey df contains component keys
    agg_var : list
      variables to average

    df_comp : pandas dataframe
      aggregated component properties
    if agg_var is None:
        agg_var = [
            'log Ksat [um s^-1]', 'porosity [-]', 'bulk density [g/cm^3]', 'total sand pct [%]',
            'total silt pct [%]', 'total clay pct [%]',

    comp_list = ['mukey', 'cokey', 'component pct [%]', 'thickness [cm]'] + agg_var
    horizon_selected_cols = [
        'mukey', 'cokey', 'chkey', 'component pct [%]', 'thickness [cm]', 'top depth [cm]',
        'bot depth [cm]', 'particle density [g/cm^3]',
    ] + agg_var

    df_comp = pandas.DataFrame(columns=comp_list)
    cokeys = df['cokey'].unique()

    rows = []
    for icokey in cokeys:
        idf_horizon = df.loc[df['cokey'] == icokey, horizon_selected_cols]

        imukey = idf_horizon['mukey'].values[0]
        assert (np.all(idf_horizon['mukey'].values == imukey))
        icomp_pct = idf_horizon['component pct [%]'].values[0]
        assert (np.all(idf_horizon['component pct [%]'].values == icomp_pct))

        depth_agg_value = []
        # horizon-uniform quantities
        depth_agg_value.append(None)  # thickness placeholder

        # depth-average quantities
        for ivar in agg_var:
            idf = idf_horizon[['thickness [cm]', ivar]].dropna()
            if idf.empty:
                ivalue = np.nan
                ivalue = sum(idf['thickness [cm]'] / idf['thickness [cm]'].sum() * idf[ivar])

        idepth = idf_horizon['bot depth [cm]'].dropna().max()
        depth_agg_value[3] = idepth

        # create the local df
        assert (len(depth_agg_value) == len(comp_list))
        idf_comp = pandas.DataFrame(np.array(depth_agg_value).reshape(1, len(depth_agg_value)),

        # normalize sand/silt/clay pct to make the sum(%sand, %silt, %clay)=1
        sum_soil = idf_comp.loc[:, 'total sand pct [%]':'total clay pct [%]'].sum().sum()
        if sum_soil != 100:
            for isoil in ['total sand pct [%]', 'total silt pct [%]', 'total clay pct [%]']:
                idf_comp[isoil] = idf_comp[isoil] / sum_soil * 100

        # append to df

    return pandas.concat(rows)

def aggregate_mukey_values(df, agg_var=None):
    """Aggregate component values by component percentage to get MUKEY property.

    df : pandas dataframe
      The list of horizons in all components in all mukeys.
    agg_var : list(str), optional
      List of keys to aggregate.  Defaults to normal things from

    df_mukey : pandas dataframe
      aggregated mukey properties

    # variables to average across component and horizon. These are hard coded for now.
    if agg_var is None:
        agg_var = [
            'log Ksat [um s^-1]', 'porosity [-]', 'bulk density [g/cm^3]', 'total sand pct [%]',
            'total silt pct [%]', 'total clay pct [%]',

    # aggregate all horizons to components
    df_comp = aggregate_component_values(df, agg_var)

    # area-average to mukey
    area_agg_var = ['thickness [cm]', ] + agg_var
    mukey_agg_var = ['mukey', ] + area_agg_var

    df_mukey_rows = []
    for imukey in df_comp['mukey'].unique()[:]:
        idf_comp = df_comp.loc[df_comp['mukey'] == imukey]
        area_agg_value = []

        # component-uniform quantities

        # area-average quantities
        for ivar in area_agg_var:
            idf = idf_comp[['component pct [%]', ivar]].dropna()
            if idf.empty:
                ivalue = np.nan
                ivalue = sum(idf['component pct [%]'] / idf['component pct [%]'].sum() * idf[ivar])

        # create the local data frame and append
        assert (len(area_agg_value) == len(mukey_agg_var))
        idf_mukey = pandas.DataFrame(np.array(area_agg_value).reshape(1, len(area_agg_value)),

    df_mukey = pandas.concat(df_mukey_rows)
    df_mukey['mukey'] = np.array(df_mukey['mukey'], dtype=int)
    return df_mukey

[docs] class FileManagerNRCS: """The National Resources Conservation Service's SSURGO Database [NRCS]_ contains a huge amount of information about soil texture, parameters, and structure, and are provided as shape files containing soil type delineations with map-unit-keys (MUKEYs). These are re-broadcast onto a raster (much like gSSURGO, which is unfortunately not readable by open tools) and used to index soil parameterizations for simulation. Data is accessed via two web APIs -- the first for spatial (shapefiles) survey information, the second for properties. * * TODO: Functionality for mapping from MUKEY to soil parameters. .. [NRCS] Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at Accessed [month/day/year]. """ def __init__(self): = 'National Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey (NRCS Soils)' ='4326') self.fstring = '{:.4f}_{:.4f}_{:.4f}_{:.4f}' self.qstring = self.fstring.replace('_', ',') self.name_manager = watershed_workflow.sources.names.Names(, os.path.join('soil_structure', 'SSURGO'), '', 'SSURGO_%s.shp' % self.fstring) #self.url_spatial = '' #self.url_spatial = '' self.url_spatial = '' self.url_data = ''
[docs] def get_shapes(self, bounds, bounds_crs, force_download=False): """Downloads and reads soil shapefiles. This accepts only a bounding box. Parameters ---------- bounds : [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Bounding box to filter shapes. crs : CRS Coordinate system of the bounding box. force_download : bool Download or re-download the file if true. Returns ------- profile : dict Fiona profile of the shapefile. shapes : list List of fiona shapes that match the index or bounds. """ if type(bounds) is int: raise TypeError('NRCS file manager only handles bounds, not indices.') bounds = self.bounds(bounds, bounds_crs) filename = self._download(bounds, force=force_download) # def _flip(shp): # """Generate a new fiona shape in long-lat from one in lat-long""" # for ring in watershed_workflow.utils.generate_rings(shp): # for i,c in enumerate(ring): # ring[i] = c[1],c[0] # return shp with, 'r') as fid: profile = fid.profile #shapes = [_flip(s) for s in fid] shapes = list(fid) for s in shapes: s['properties']['id'] = s['id']' Found {} shapes.'.format(len(shapes)))' and crs: {}'.format(['crs']))) return profile, shapes
def download_properties(self, mukeys, filename=None, force=False): """Queries REST API for parameters by MUKEY.""" if filename is None or (not os.path.exists(filename)) or force:' Downloading raw properties data via request:')' to file: {filename}')' from: {self.url_data}') mukey_data_headers = [ 'saversion', 'saverest', 'areasymbol', 'areaname', 'lkey', 'musym', 'muname', 'museq', 'mukey', 'comppct_r', 'compname', 'localphase', 'slope_r', 'cokey', 'hzdept_r', 'hzdepb_r', 'ksat_r', 'sandtotal_r', 'claytotal_r', 'silttotal_r', 'dbthirdbar_r', 'partdensity', 'wsatiated_r', 'chkey' ] mukey_dtypes = [ int, str, str, str, int, str, str, int, int, int, str, str, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int ] mukey_list_string = ','.join([f"'{k}'" for k in mukeys]) query = _query_template_props.format(mukey_list_string) data = { 'FORMAT': 'JSON', 'QUERY': query } r =, data=data, verify=source_utils.get_verify_option())' full URL: {r.url}') r.raise_for_status() table = np.array(r.json()['Table']) df = pandas.DataFrame() def to_type(val, dtype): if val is None: if dtype == int: return -1 elif dtype == float: return np.nan elif dtype == str: return '' return dtype(val) for i, (title, dtype) in enumerate(zip(mukey_data_headers, mukey_dtypes)): df[title] = np.array([to_type(entry, dtype) for entry in table[:, i]], dtype=dtype) if filename is not None: df.to_csv(filename) else: df = pandas.read_csv(filename) return df def get_properties(self, mukeys, filename=None, force_download=False): """Download and aggregate properties for a given set of mukeys, storing raw data in filename.""" df = self.download_properties(mukeys, filename, force_download) synthesize_data(df) df_agg = aggregate_mukey_values(df) # get dataframe with van genuchten models df_vgm = watershed_workflow.soil_properties.vgm_from_SSURGO(df_agg) # fix units df_ats = watershed_workflow.soil_properties.to_ATS(df_vgm) # all structure data frames are expected to have a 'source' and an 'id' in that source field df_ats['source'] = 'NRCS' # resort the dataframe to have the same order as was passed in # in the list mukeys. This alleviates potential mistakes if # they get zipped or otherwise iterated over together. df_ats.set_index('mukey', inplace=True) df_ats = df_ats.reindex(mukeys) df_ats.reset_index(inplace=True) return df_ats
[docs] def get_shapes_and_properties(self, shapes, crs, force_download=False, split_download=False): """Downloads and reads soil shapefiles, and aggregates SSURGO data onto MUKEYS Accepts either a bounding box, shape, or list of shapes. Parameters ---------- shapes : shply, list(shply), or [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Shapes on which to run the query. crs : CRS Coordinate system of the bounding box. force_download : bool Download or re-download the file if true. Returns ------- profile : dict Fiona profile of the shapefile. shapes : list List of fiona shapes that match the index or bounds. properties : pandas dataframe Dataframe of data by mukey = shape['id'] """ if type(shapes) is list: if len(shapes) == 0: return None, list(), None elif len(shapes) == 4 and type(shapes[0]) is float: list_of_bounds = [shapes, ] else: list_of_bounds = [shapely.ops.unary_union(shapes).bounds, ] else: list_of_bounds = [shapes.bounds, ] total_bounds = list_of_bounds[0] filename = self.name_manager.file_name(*self.bounds(total_bounds, crs)) if not split_download: try: profile, mukeys, shapes = self._get_shapes(list_of_bounds, crs, force_download) except requests.HTTPError as e: if '500 Server Error' in str(e): # failed because too big! if type(shapes) is list and type(shapes[0]) is not float: # get the shapes independently list_of_bounds = [shp.bounds for shp in shapes] 'Shape is too big -- attempting to download as separate shapes and merge.' ) profile, mukeys, shapes = self._get_shapes(list_of_bounds, crs, force_download) else: raise ValueError( 'NRCS get_shapes() called with too large of a shape for NRCS servers. Trying splitting it into smaller polygons and trying again.' ) else: raise e else: list_of_bounds = [shp.bounds for shp in shapes] profile, mukeys, shapes = self._get_shapes(list_of_bounds, crs, force_download) data_filename = filename[:-4] + "_properties.csv" df = self.get_properties(mukeys, data_filename, force_download) return profile, shapes, df
def _get_shapes(self, list_of_bounds, crs, force_download=False): """Inner function called by above, accepts list of bounds only.""" shapes = [] for bounds in list_of_bounds: profile, shapes_l = self.get_shapes(bounds, crs, force_download) shapes.extend(shapes_l)' Downloaded {len(shapes)} total shapes') # find unique unique = collections.defaultdict(list) for s in shapes: unique[s['properties']['mukey']].append(s)' Downloaded {len(unique)} unique mukeys') # merge the shapes into multipolygons, converting to shapely in the process for mukey in unique: unique[mukey] = [watershed_workflow.utils.create_shply(s) for s in unique[mukey]] # sort -- this just keeps everything cleaner unique = sorted(unique.items()) shapes = [shapely.ops.unary_union(l[1]) for l in unique] mukeys = [l[0] for l in unique] # put the mukey on the MultiPolygon object for mukey, shp in zip(mukeys, shapes): = { 'mukey': mukey } return profile, mukeys, shapes def bounds(self, b, bounds_crs): """Create a bounds in the NRCS coordinate system for use in downloading.""" b = watershed_workflow.warp.bounds(b, bounds_crs, b = [ np.round(b[0], 4) - .0001, np.round(b[1], 4) - .0001, np.round(b[2], 4) + .0001, np.round(b[3], 4) + .0001 ] return b def _download(self, bounds, force=False): """Downloads the data and writes it to disk.""" os.makedirs(self.name_manager.data_dir(), exist_ok=True) filename = self.name_manager.file_name(*bounds)"Attempting to download source for target '%s'" % filename) if not os.path.exists(filename) or force:' Downloading spatial data via request:')' to file: {filename}')' from: {self.url_spatial}') box =*bounds) query = _query_template_shapes.format(box.wkt) data = { 'FORMAT': 'JSON', 'QUERY': query } r =, data=data, verify=source_utils.get_verify_option())' full URL: {r.url}') r.raise_for_status()' Converting to shapely') table = r.json()['Table'] shps = [shapely.wkt.loads(ent[3]) for ent in table] for shp, t in zip(shps, table): = dict(mukey=int(t[1]))' Writing to shapefile'), shps, return filename