Source code for watershed_workflow.sources.manager_modis_appeears

"""Manager for downloading MODIS products from the NASA Earthdata AppEEARS database."""

import os, sys
import logging
import requests
import time
import cftime, datetime
import shapely
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import attr
import rasterio.transform

import watershed_workflow.config
import watershed_workflow.sources.utils as source_utils
import watershed_workflow.sources.names
import watershed_workflow.warp
import watershed_workflow.datasets

colors = {
    -1: ('Unclassified', (0, 0, 0)),
    0: ('Open Water', (140, 219, 255)),
    1: ('Evergreen Needleleaf Forests', (38, 115, 0)),
    2: ('Evergreen Broadleaf Forests', (82, 204, 77)),
    3: ('Deciduous Needleleaf Forests', (150, 196, 20)),
    4: ('Deciduous Broadleaf Forests', (122, 250, 166)),
    5: ('Mixed Forests', (137, 205, 102)),
    6: ('Closed Shrublands', (215, 158, 158)),
    7: ('Open Shrublands', (255, 240, 196)),
    8: ('Woody Savannas', (233, 255, 190)),
    9: ('Savannas', (255, 216, 20)),
    10: ('Grasslands', (255, 196, 120)),
    11: ('Permanent Wetlands', (0, 132, 168)),
    12: ('Croplands', (255, 255, 115)),
    13: ('Urban and Built up lands', (255, 0, 0)),
    14: ('Cropland Natural Vegetation Mosaics', (168, 168, 0)),
    15: ('Permanent Snow and Ice', (255, 255, 255)),
    16: ('Barren Land', (130, 130, 130)),
    17: ('Water Bodies', (140, 209, 245)),

for k, v in colors.items():
    colors[k] = (v[0], tuple(float(i) / 255.0 for i in v[1]))

indices = dict([(pars[0], id) for (id, pars) in colors.items()])

class Task:
    task_id: str
    variables: list
    filenames: dict = attr.Factory(dict)
    urls: dict = attr.Factory(dict)
    shas: dict = attr.Factory(dict)

[docs] class FileManagerMODISAppEEARS: """MODIS data through the AppEEARS data portal. Note this portal requires authentication -- please enter a username and password in your .watershed_workflowrc file. For now, as this is not the highest security data portal or workflow package, we expect you to store this password in plaintext. Maybe we can improve this? If it bothers you, please ask how you can contribute (the developers of this package are not security experts!) To enter the username and password, register for a login in the AppEEARs data portal at: .. [AppEEARs]( Currently the variables supported here include LAI and estimated ET. All data returned includes a time variable, which is in units of [days past Jan 1, 2000, 0:00:00. Note this is implemented based on the API documentation here: """ _LOGIN_URL = "" # URL for AppEEARS rest requests _TASK_URL = "" _STATUS_URL = "" _BUNDLE_URL_TEMPLATE = "{0}" _START =, 7, 1) _END =, 1, 1) _PRODUCTS = { 'LAI': { "layer": "Lai_500m", "product": "MCD15A3H.061" }, 'LULC': { "layer": "LC_Type1", "product": "MCD12Q1.061" }, } colors = colors indices = indices def __init__(self, login_token=None, remove_leap_day=True): """Create a new manager for MODIS data.""" = 'MODIS' self.names = watershed_workflow.sources.names.Names(, 'land_cover',, 'modis_{var}_{start}_{end}_{ymax}x{xmin}_{ymin}x{xmax}.nc') self.login_token = login_token if not os.path.isdir(self.names.folder_name()): os.makedirs(self.names.folder_name()) self.tasks = [] self.completed_tasks = [] def _authenticate(self, username=None, password=None): """Authenticate to the AppEEARS API. Parameters ---------- username : string, optional Username, defaults to value from watershed_workflowrc, conf['AppEEARS']['username'] password : string, optional Username, defaults to value from watershed_workflowrc, conf['AppEEARS']['password']. FIXME: Can we make this more secure? --etc """ if username == None: username = watershed_workflow.config.rcParams['AppEEARS']['username'] if password is None: password = watershed_workflow.config.rcParams['AppEEARS']['password'] if username == "NOT_PROVIDED" or password == "NOT_PROVIDED": raise ValueError( "Username or password for AppEEARS are not set in watershed_workflowrc.") try: lr =, auth=(username, password)) lr.raise_for_status() return lr.json()['token'] except Exception as err: logging.warn('Unable to authenticate at Appeears database:') logging.warn('Message: {err}') return None def _filename(self, bounds_ll, start, end, variable): (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = tuple(bounds_ll) filename = self.names.file_name(var=variable, start=start, end=end, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) return filename def _clean_date(self, date): """Returns a string of the format needed for use in the filename and request.""" if type(date) is str: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() if date < self._START: raise ValueError(f"Invalid date {date}, must be after {self._START}.") if date > self._END: raise ValueError(f"Invalid date {date}, must be before {self._END}.") return date.strftime('%m-%d-%Y') def _clean_bounds(self, polygon_or_bounds, crs): """Compute bounds in the required CRS from a polygon or bounds in a given crs""" if type(polygon_or_bounds) is dict: polygon_or_bounds = watershed_workflow.utils.create_shply(polygon_or_bounds) if type(polygon_or_bounds) is shapely.geometry.Polygon: bounds_ll = watershed_workflow.warp.shply(polygon_or_bounds, crs, else: bounds_ll = watershed_workflow.warp.bounds(polygon_or_bounds, crs, buffer = 0.01 feather_bounds = list(bounds_ll[:]) feather_bounds[0] = np.round(feather_bounds[0] - buffer, 4) feather_bounds[1] = np.round(feather_bounds[1] - buffer, 4) feather_bounds[2] = np.round(feather_bounds[2] + buffer, 4) feather_bounds[3] = np.round(feather_bounds[3] + buffer, 4) return feather_bounds def _construct_request(self, bounds_ll, start, end, variables): """Create an AppEEARS request to download the variable from start to finish. Note that this does not do the download -- it only creates the request. Parameters ---------- polygon_or_bounds : fiona or shapely shape, or [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Collect a file that covers this shape or bounds. crs : CRS object Coordinate system of the above polygon_or_bounds buffer : float buffer size in units of CRS (or degrees? FIXME --etc) start : int Year to start, must be XXXX -- YYYY. Defaults to XXXX end : int Year to end (inclusive), must be XXXX -- YYYY and greater than start. Defaults to YYYY variables : list List of variables to collect. Returns ------- token : int?? Integer token for downloading this data. """ if self.login_token is None: self.login_token = self._authenticate() (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = tuple(bounds_ll) json_vars = [self._PRODUCTS[var] for var in variables] task_data = { "task_type": "area", "task_name": "Area LAI", "params": { "dates": [{ "startDate": start, "endDate": end }], "layers": json_vars, "output": { "format": { "type": "netcdf4" }, "projection": "geographic" }, "geo": { "type": "FeatureCollection", "fileName": "User-Drawn-Polygon", "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[xmin, ymin], [xmin, ymax], [xmax, ymax], [xmax, ymin], [xmin, ymin]]] } }, ] } } } # submit the task request'Constructing Task:') r =, json=task_data, headers={ 'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.login_token}'}) r.raise_for_status() task = Task(r.json()['task_id'], variables, filenames=dict( (v, self._filename(bounds_ll, start, end, v)) for v in variables)) self.tasks.append(task)'Requesting dataset on {bounds_ll} response task_id {task.task_id}') return task def _check_status(self, task=None): """Checks and prints the status of the task. Returns True, False, or 'UNKNOWN' when the response is not well formed, which seems to happen sometimes... """ if self.login_token is None: self.login_token = self._authenticate() if task is None: task = self.tasks[0]'Checking status of task: {task.task_id}') r = requests.get(self._STATUS_URL, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(self.login_token) }, verify=source_utils.get_verify_option()) try: r.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError:'... http error') return 'UNKNOWN' else: json = r.json() if len(json) == 0:'... status not found') return 'UNKNOWN' else: for entry in json: if entry['task_id'] == task.task_id: if 'status' in entry and 'done' == entry['status']: return True else: return False'... status not found') return 'UNKNOWN' def _check_bundle_url(self, task=None): if self.login_token is None: self.login_token = self._authenticate() if task is None: task = self.tasks[0]'Checking for bundle of task: {task.task_id}') r = requests.get(self._BUNDLE_URL_TEMPLATE.format(task.task_id), headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(self.login_token) }, verify=source_utils.get_verify_option()) try: r.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as err:'... HTTPError checking for bundle:')'{err}') return False else: # does the bundle exist? if len(r.json()) == 0:'... bundle not found') return False # bundle exists -- find the url and sha for each varname for var in task.variables: product = self._PRODUCTS[var]['product'] found = False for entry in r.json()['files']: if entry['file_name'].startswith(product):'... bundle found {entry["file_name"]}') assert (entry['file_name'].endswith('.nc')) task.urls[var] = self._BUNDLE_URL_TEMPLATE.format( task.task_id) + '/' + entry['file_id'] found = True assert (found) return True def is_ready(self, task=None): """Actually knowing if it is ready is a bit tricky because Appeears does not appear to be saving its status after it is complete.""" status = self._check_status(task) if status != False: # note this matches True or UNKNOWN return self._check_bundle_url(task) else: return status def _download(self, task=None): """Downloads the provided task. If file_id is not provided, is_ready() will be called. If file_id is provided, it is assumed is_ready() is True. If task is not provided, the first in the queue is used. """ if task is None: task = self.tasks[0] if len(task.urls) == 0: ready = self._check_bundle_url(task) else: ready = True if ready: assert (len(task.filenames) == len(task.urls)) assert (len(task.variables) == len(task.urls)) for var in task.variables: url = task.urls[var] filename = task.filenames[var]" Downloading: {}".format(url))" to file: {}".format(filename)) good = url, filename, headers={ 'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.login_token}'}) assert (good) return True else: return False def _read_data(self, task): """Read all files for a task, returning the data in the order of variables requested in the task.""" s = watershed_workflow.datasets.State() for var in task.variables: s[var] = self._read_file(task.filenames[var], var) return s def _read_file(self, filename, variable): """Open the file and get the data -- currently these reads it all, which may not be necessary.""" profile = dict()'... reading {variable} from {filename}') with netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'r') as nc: profile['crs'] =['crs'].epsg_code) profile['width'] = nc.dimensions['lon'].size profile['height'] = nc.dimensions['lat'].size profile['count'] = nc.dimensions['time'].size # this assumes it is a fixed dx and dy, which should be # pretty good for not-too-big domains. lat = nc.variables['lat'][:] lon = nc.variables['lon'][:] profile['dx'] = (lon[1:] - lon[:-1]).mean() profile['dy'] = (lat[1:] - lat[:-1]).mean() profile['resolution'] = (profile['dx'], -profile['dy']) profile['height'] = len(lat) profile['width'] = len(lon) profile['driver'] = 'netCDF4' # hint that this was not a real reaster! profile['transform'] = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(lon[0], lat[-1], lon[-1], lat[0], profile['width'], profile['height']) profile['nodata'] = -9999 varname = self._PRODUCTS[variable]['layer'] profile['layer'] = varname times = nc.variables['time'][:].filled(-1) print(times[0]) time_origin = cftime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) times = np.array([time_origin + datetime.timedelta(days=int(t)) for t in times]) data = nc.variables[varname][:] if np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.integer): profile['nodata'] = -1 profile['dtype'] = data.dtype data = data.filled(-1) elif np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.floating): profile['nodata'] = np.nan profile['dtype'] = data.dtype data = data.filled(np.nan) else: profile['nodata'] = data.fill_value profile['dtype'] = data.dtype data = data.filled() return watershed_workflow.datasets.Data(profile, times, data)
[docs] def get_data(self, polygon_or_bounds=None, crs=None, start=None, end=None, variables=None, force_download=False, task=None, filenames=None): """Get dataset corresponding to MODIS data from the AppEEARS data portal. Note that AppEEARS requires the constrution of a request, and then prepares the data for you. As a result, the raster may (if you've downloaded it previously, or it doesn't take very long) or may not be ready instantly. Parameters ---------- polygon_or_bounds : fiona or shapely shape, or [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Collect a file that covers this shape or bounds. crs : CRS object Coordinate system of the above polygon_or_bounds start : str or object, optional Date for the beginning of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD. Valid is >= 2002-07-01. end : str or object, optional Date for the end of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD. Valid is <= 2020-12-30. variables : str or list, optional Variable to download, currently one of {LAI, LULC}. Default is both LAI and LULC. force_download : bool, optional Force a new file to be downloaded. Default is False. task : (str, str) tuple of task_id, filename If a request has already been created, use this task to access the data rather than creating a new request. Default means to create a new request. filenames : list of str, optional If a list of filenames is provided, use these rather than creating a new request. Returns ------- dict : { variable : (profile, times, data) } Returns a dictionary of (variable, data) pairs. For each variable, profile is a dictionary of standard raster profile information, times is an array of datetime objects of length NTIMES, and data is an array of shape (NTIMES, NX, NY) storing the actual values. OR task : (task_id, filename) If the data is not yet ready after the wait time, returns a task tuple for use in a future call to get_data(). """ if filenames is not None: # read the file assert variables is not None, "Must provide variables if providing filenames." s = watershed_workflow.datasets.State() for filename, var in zip(filenames, variables): s[var] = self._read_file(filename, var) return s if task is None and filenames is None: if polygon_or_bounds is None or crs is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Must provide either polgyon_or_bounds and crs or task arguments.') # clean the variables list if variables is None: variables = ['LAI', 'LULC'] for var in variables: if var not in self._PRODUCTS: err = 'FileManagerMODISAppEEARS cannot provide variable {variable}. Valid are: ' raise ValueError(err + ', '.join(self._PRODUCTS.keys())) # clean bounds bounds = self._clean_bounds(polygon_or_bounds, crs) # check start and end times if start is None: start = self._START if end is None: end = self._END start = self._clean_date(start) end = self._clean_date(end) # create a task task = Task('', variables, filenames=dict( (v, self._filename(bounds, start, end, v)) for v in variables)) # check for existing file for filename in task.filenames.values():'... searching for: {filename}') if all(os.path.isfile(filename) for filename in task.filenames.values()): if force_download: for filename in task.filenames: try: os.remove(filename) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: return self._read_data(task) if len(task.task_id) == 0: # create the task task = self._construct_request(bounds, start, end, variables) if self._download(task): return self._read_data(task) return task
def wait(self, task, interval=120, tries=100): """Blocking -- waits for a task to end.""" count = 0 success = False res = task while count < tries and not success: res = self.get_data(task=res) if isinstance(res, watershed_workflow.datasets.State): success = True break else:'sleeping...') time.sleep(interval) count += 1 if success: return res else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to get data after {interval*tries} seconds.')