Source code for watershed_workflow.sources.manager_daymet

"""Manager for interacting with DayMet datasets."""

import os, sys
import logging
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import shapely.geometry
import cftime, datetime
import netCDF4
import rasterio.transform

import watershed_workflow.sources.utils as source_utils
import watershed_workflow.config
import watershed_workflow.warp
import watershed_workflow.sources.names
import watershed_workflow.datasets

def _previous_month():
    now =
    year = now.year
    month = now.month - 1
    if month == 0:
        year = year - 1
        month = 12
    return cftime.datetime(year, month, 1, calendar='noleap')

[docs] class FileManagerDaymet: """Daymet meterological datasets. Daymet is a historic, spatially interpolated product which ingests large number of point-sources of meterological data, aggregates them to daily time series, and spatially interpolates them onto a 1km gridded product that covers all of North America from 1980 to present [Daymet]_. Variable names and descriptions .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - name - units - description * - prcp - :math:`mm / day` - Total daily precipitation * - tmin, tmax - :math:`^\\circ C` - Min/max daily air temperature * - srad - :math:`W / m^2` - Incoming solar radiation - per DAYLIT time! * - vp - :math:`Pa` - Vapor pressure * - swe - :math:`Kg / m^2` - Snow water equivalent * - dayl - :math:`s / day` - Duration of sunlight .. [Daymet] """ _START = cftime.datetime(1980, 1, 1, calendar='noleap') _END = _previous_month() VALID_VARIABLES = ['tmin', 'tmax', 'prcp', 'srad', 'vp', 'swe', 'dayl'] DEFAULT_VARIABLES = ['tmin', 'tmax', 'prcp', 'srad', 'vp', 'dayl'] URL = "{variable}_{year}.nc" def __init__(self): = 'DayMet 1km' self.names = watershed_workflow.sources.names.Names(, 'meteorology', 'daymet', 'daymet_{var}_{year}_{north}x{west}_{south}x{east}.nc') def _read_var(self, fname, var): with netCDF4.Dataset(fname, 'r') as nc: x = nc.variables['x'][:] * 1000. # km to m; raw netCDF file has km unit y = nc.variables['y'][:] * 1000. # km to m time = nc.variables['time'][:] assert (len(time) == 365) val = nc.variables[var][:] return x, y, val def _download(self, var, year, bounds, force=False): """Download a NetCDF file covering the bounds. Parameters ---------- var : str Name the variable, see table in the class documentation. year : int A year in the valid range (currently 1980-2018) bounds : [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Desired bounds, in the LatLon CRS. force : bool, optional If true, re-download even if a file already exists. Returns ------- filename : str Resulting NetCDF file. """"Collecting DayMet file to tile bounds: {}".format(bounds)) # check directory structure os.makedirs(self.names.folder_name(), exist_ok=True) # get the target filename bounds = [f"{b:.4f}" for b in bounds] filename = self.names.file_name(var=var, year=year, north=bounds[3], east=bounds[2], west=bounds[0], south=bounds[1]) if (not os.path.exists(filename)) or force: url_dict = { 'year': str(year), 'variable': var } url = self.URL.format(**url_dict)" Downloading: {}".format(url))" to file: {}".format(filename)) request_params = [('var', 'lat'), ('var', 'lon'), ('var', var), ('west', bounds[0]), ('south', bounds[1]), ('east', bounds[2]), ('north', bounds[3]), ('horizStride', '1'), ('time_start', '{}-01-01T12:00:00Z'.format(year)), ('time_end', '{}-12-31T12:00:00Z'.format(year)), ('timeStride', '1'), ('accept', 'netcdf')] r = requests.get(url, params=request_params, verify=source_utils.get_verify_option()) r.raise_for_status() with open(filename, 'wb') as fid: fid.write(r.content) else:" Using existing: {}".format(filename)) return filename def _clean_date(self, date): """Returns a string of the format needed for use in the filename and request.""" if type(date) is str: date_split = date.split('-') date = cftime.datetime(int(date_split[0]), int(date_split[1]), int(date_split[2]), calendar='noleap') if date < self._START: raise ValueError(f"Invalid date {date}, must be after {self._START}.") if date > self._END: raise ValueError(f"Invalid date {date}, must be before {self._END}.") return date def _clean_bounds(self, polygon_or_bounds, crs, buffer): """Compute bounds in the required CRS from a polygon or bounds in a given crs""" if type(polygon_or_bounds) is dict: polygon_or_bounds = watershed_workflow.utils.create_shply(polygon_or_bounds) if type(polygon_or_bounds) is shapely.geometry.Polygon: bounds_ll = watershed_workflow.warp.shply(polygon_or_bounds, crs, else: bounds_ll = watershed_workflow.warp.bounds(polygon_or_bounds, crs, feather_bounds = list(bounds_ll[:]) feather_bounds[0] = np.round(feather_bounds[0] - buffer, 4) feather_bounds[1] = np.round(feather_bounds[1] - buffer, 4) feather_bounds[2] = np.round(feather_bounds[2] + buffer, 4) feather_bounds[3] = np.round(feather_bounds[3] + buffer, 4) return feather_bounds def _open_files(self, filenames, var, start, end): """Opens and loads the files, making a single array.""" # NOTE: this probably needs to be refactored to not load the whole thing into memory? nyears = len(filenames) data = None for i, fname in enumerate(filenames): x, y, v = self._read_var(fname, var) # returned v.shape(nband, nrow, ncol) if data is None: # note nrows, ncols ordering data = np.zeros((nyears * 365, len(y), len(x)), 'd') # stuff in the right spot data[i * 365:(i+1) * 365, :, :] = v # times is a range -- note that DayMet works on a noleap calendar origin = cftime.datetime(start.year, 1, 1, calendar='noleap') times = np.array([origin + datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(365 * nyears)]) # trim to start, end i_start = (start - origin).days i_end = i_start + (end - start).days times = times[i_start:i_end] data = data[i_start:i_end] # profile profile = dict() profile['crs'] = profile['width'] = len(x) profile['height'] = len(y) profile['count'] = len(times) profile['dx'] = (x[1:] - x[:-1]).mean() # convert to m profile['dy'] = (y[1:] - y[:-1]).mean() # convert to m profile['resolution'] = (profile['dx'], -profile['dy']) profile['driver'] = 'h5' # hint that this was not a real raster profile['transform'] = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(x[0], y[-1], x[-1], y[0], profile['width'], profile['height']) profile['nodata'] = -9999 return watershed_workflow.datasets.Data(profile, times, data)
[docs] def get_data(self, polygon_or_bounds, crs, start=None, end=None, variables=None, force_download=False, buffer=0.01): """Gets file for a single year and single variable. Parameters ---------- polygon_or_bounds : fiona or shapely shape, or [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Collect a file that covers this shape or bounds. crs : CRS object Coordinate system of the above polygon_or_bounds start : str or object, optional Date for the beginning of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD. Valid is >= 2002-07-01. end : str or object, optional Date for the end of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD. Valid is < the current month (DayMet updates monthly.) variables : str or list, optional Name the variables to download, see class-level documentation for choices. Default is [prcp,tmin,tmax,vp,srad]. force_download : bool Download or re-download the file if true. buffer : float Buffer the bounds by this amount, in degrees. The default is 0.01. Returns ------- datasets.Dataset Dataset object containing the met data. """ if start is None: start = self._START start = self._clean_date(start) start_year = start.year if end is None: end = self._END end = self._clean_date(end) end_year = (end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).year if start_year > end_year: raise RuntimeError( f"Provided start year {start_year} is after provided end year {end_year}") if variables is None: variables = self.DEFAULT_VARIABLES for var in variables: if var not in self.VALID_VARIABLES: raise ValueError("DayMet data supports variables: {} (not {})".format( ', '.join(self.VALID_VARIABLES), var)) # clean bounds bounds = self._clean_bounds(polygon_or_bounds, crs, buffer=buffer) # download files filenames = [] for var in variables: filename_var = [] for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): fname = self._download(var, year, bounds, force=force_download) filename_var.append(fname) filenames.append(filename_var) # open files dset = None for fnames, var in zip(filenames, variables): data = self._open_files(fnames, var, start, end) if dset is None: dset = watershed_workflow.datasets.Dataset(data.profile, data.times) dset[var] = return dset