Source code for watershed_workflow.source_list

"""This module provides a dictionary of sources, broken out by data type, and a
dictionary of default sources.

These dictionaries are provided as module-local (singleton) variables.

* huc_sources : A dictionary of sources that provide USGS HUC boundaries.
* hydrography_sources : A dictionary of sources that provide river reaches by HUC.
* dem_sources : A dictionary of available digital elevation models.
* soil_sources : A dictionary of available sources for soil properties.
* land_cover_sources : A dictionary of available land cover datasets.

import logging

from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_nhd import FileManagerNHD, FileManagerNHDPlus, FileManagerWBD
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_nhd_accumulator import FileManagerNHDPlusAccumulator
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_ned import FileManagerNED
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_nrcs import FileManagerNRCS
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_glhymps import FileManagerGLHYMPS
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_soilgrids_2017 import FileManagerSoilGrids2017
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_pelletier_dtb import FileManagerPelletierDTB
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_nlcd import FileManagerNLCD
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_daymet import FileManagerDaymet
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_modis_appeears import FileManagerMODISAppEEARS

from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_shape import FileManagerShape
from watershed_workflow.sources.manager_raster import FileManagerRaster

# available and default water boundary datasets
huc_sources = {
    'NHDPlus': FileManagerNHDPlusAccumulator(),
    'NHD': FileManagerNHD(),
    'WBD': FileManagerWBD()
huc_sources['NHD Plus'] = huc_sources['NHDPlus']  # historical typo, kept for backward compatibility
default_huc_source = 'NHDPlus'

# available and default hydrography datasets
hydrography_sources = { 'NHDPlus': FileManagerNHDPlus(), 'NHD': FileManagerNHD(), }
hydrography_sources['NHD Plus'] = hydrography_sources[
    'NHDPlus']  # historical typo, kept for backward compatibility
default_hydrography_source = 'NHDPlus'

# available and default digital elevation maps
dem_sources = {
    'NED 1/3 arc-second': FileManagerNED('1/3 arc-second'),
    'NED 1 arc-second': FileManagerNED('1 arc-second'),
default_dem_source = 'NED 1 arc-second'

# available and default soil survey datasets
structure_sources = {
    'NRCS SSURGO': FileManagerNRCS(),
    'GLHYMPS': FileManagerGLHYMPS(),
    'SoilGrids2017': FileManagerSoilGrids2017(),
    'Pelletier DTB': FileManagerPelletierDTB(),
default_structure_source = 'NRCS SSURGO'

# available and default land cover
land_cover_sources = {
    'NLCD (L48)': FileManagerNLCD(layer='Land_Cover', location='L48'),
    'NLCD (AK)': FileManagerNLCD(layer='Land_Cover', location='AK'),
    'MODIS': FileManagerMODISAppEEARS()
default_land_cover = 'NLCD (L48)'

lai_sources = { 'MODIS': FileManagerMODISAppEEARS() }
default_lai = 'MODIS'

# available and default meteorology
met_sources = { 'DayMet': FileManagerDaymet() }
default_met = 'DayMet'

[docs] def get_default_sources(): """Provides a default set of data sources. Returns a dictionary with default sources for each type. """ sources = dict() sources['HUC'] = huc_sources[default_huc_source] sources['hydrography'] = hydrography_sources[default_hydrography_source] sources['DEM'] = dem_sources[default_dem_source] sources['soil structure'] = structure_sources['NRCS SSURGO'] sources['geologic structure'] = structure_sources['GLHYMPS'] sources['land cover'] = land_cover_sources[default_land_cover] sources['lai'] = lai_sources[default_lai] sources['depth to bedrock'] = structure_sources['Pelletier DTB'] sources['meteorology'] = met_sources[default_met] return sources
[docs] def get_sources(args): """Parsers the command line argument struct from argparse and provides an updated set of data sources. Parameters ---------- args : struct A python struct generated from an argparse.ArgumentParser object with source options set by watershed_workflow.ui.*_source_options Returns ------- sources : dict Dictionary of defaults for each of "HUC", "hydrography", "DEM", "soil type", and "land cover". """ sources = get_default_sources() try: source_huc = args.source_huc except AttributeError: pass else: sources['HUC'] = huc_sources[source_huc] try: source_hydrography = args.source_hydro except AttributeError: pass else: sources['hydrography'] = hydrography_sources[source_hydrography] try: source_dem = args.source_dem except AttributeError: pass else: sources['DEM'] = dem_sources[source_dem] try: source_soil = args.source_soil except AttributeError: pass else: sources['soil type'] = soil_sources[source_soil] try: land_cover = args.land_cover except AttributeError: pass else: sources['land cover'] = land_cover_sources[land_cover] try: met = args.meteorology except AttributeError: pass else: sources['meteorology'] = met_sources[met] return sources
[docs] def log_sources(sources): """Pretty print source dictionary to log."""'Using sources:')'--------------') for stype, s in sources.items(): if s is not None:'{}: {}'.format(stype, else:'{}: None'.format(stype))