Source code for watershed_workflow.soil_properties

"""Functions for manipulating soil properties.

Computes soil properties such as permeability, porosity, and van Genutchen
parameters given texture properties using the Rosetta model.

Also provides functions for gap filling soil data via clustering,
dataframe manipulations to merge soil type regions with shared values,


import numpy as np
import logging
import pandas
import rosetta

import watershed_workflow.config

[docs] def vgm_Rosetta(data): """Return van Genuchten model parameters using Rosetta v3 model. (Zhang and Schaap, 2017 WRR) Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray(nvar, nsamples) Input data. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame van Genuchten model parameters """'Running Rosetta for van Genutchen parameters') #convert data from 1d array to 2d matrix if necessary # # tranpose for backward compatibility! if data.ndim == 1: data = [list(data), ] else: data = [list(entry) for entry in data.transpose()] soildata = rosetta.SoilData.from_array(data) result_mean, result_std, codes = rosetta.rosetta(3, soildata)' ... done') result_mean = np.array(result_mean) # check results # output log10 of VG-alpha,VG-n, and Ks df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Rosetta residual volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]', 'Rosetta saturated volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]', 'Rosetta log van Genuchten alpha [cm^-1]', 'Rosetta log van Genuchten n [-]', 'Rosetta log Ksat [um s^-1]' ], dtype=float) df['Rosetta residual volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]'] = result_mean[:, 0] df['Rosetta saturated volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]'] = result_mean[:, 1] df['Rosetta log van Genuchten alpha [cm^-1]'] = result_mean[:, 2] df['Rosetta log van Genuchten n [-]'] = result_mean[:, 3] df['Rosetta log Ksat [um s^-1]'] = np.log10( (10**result_mean[:, 4]) / 86400 * 1e4) # log cm/d --> log um/s return df
[docs] def vgm_from_SSURGO(df): """Get van Genutchen model parameters using Rosetta v3. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame SSURGO properties dataframe, from manager_nrcs.FileManagerNRCS().get_properties() Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame df with new properties defining the van Genuchten model. Note that this may be smaller than df as entries in df that have NaN values in soil composition (and therefore cannot calculate a VGM) will be dropped. """ rosetta_input_header = [ 'total sand pct [%]', 'total silt pct [%]', 'total clay pct [%]', 'bulk density [g/cm^3]', ] df_rosetta = df.dropna(subset=rosetta_input_header) # need to transpose the data so that the array have the shape (nvar, nsample) data = df_rosetta[rosetta_input_header].values.T vgm = vgm_Rosetta(data) n_shapes = len(df_rosetta) n_resp = len(vgm["Rosetta residual volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]"])' requested {n_shapes} values')' got {n_resp} responses') assert (n_shapes == n_resp) vgm['mukey'] = df_rosetta['mukey'].values # merge back so that we do not lose data assert ('mukey' in df.keys()) assert ('mukey' in df_rosetta.keys()) assert ('mukey' in vgm.keys()) merged = pandas.merge(vgm, df, how='outer', left_on='mukey', right_on='mukey') assert (len(merged) == len(df)) return merged
[docs] def to_ATS(df): """Converts units from aggregated, Rosetta standard-parameters to ATS.""" df_new = pandas.DataFrame() for k in df.keys(): if k == 'Rosetta log Ksat [um s^-1]': knew = 'Rosetta permeability [m^2]' vals = 10**df[k] * 1.e-13 df_new[knew] = vals elif k == 'Rosetta log van Genuchten n [-]': knew = 'van Genuchten n [-]' vals = 10**df[k] df_new[knew] = vals elif k == 'Rosetta log van Genuchten alpha [cm^-1]': knew = 'van Genuchten alpha [Pa^-1]' vals = 10**df[k] * 100 / 1000 / 10 df_new[knew] = vals elif k == 'Rosetta residual volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]': knew = 'residual saturation [-]' vals = df[k] / df['Rosetta saturated volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]'] df_new[knew] = vals elif k == 'Rosetta saturated volumetric water content [cm^3 cm^-3]': knew = 'Rosetta porosity [-]' df_new[knew] = df[k] elif k == 'log Ksat [um s^-1]': knew = 'permeability [m^2]' vals = 10**df[k] * 1.e-13 df_new[knew] = vals else: df_new[k] = df[k] return df_new
def _whiten(observations): """This returns the mean/std deviation for use in unwhiten.""" means = np.mean(observations, axis=0) whitened = observations - np.expand_dims(means, 0) std = np.std(whitened, axis=0) std[std == 0] = 1 whitened = whitened / np.expand_dims(std, 0) return whitened, (means, std) def _unwhiten(observations, dat): """This does the inverse of _whiten""" means, std = dat return observations * np.expand_dims(std, 0) + np.expand_dims(means, 0)
[docs] def cluster(rasters, nbins): """Given a bunch of raster bands, cluster into nbins. Returns the coloring map of the clusters. This is used to fill in missing soil property data. Parameters ---------- rasters : np.ndarray((nx,ny,nbands)) nbands rasters providing spatial information on which to be clustered. nbins : int Number of bins to cluster into. Returns ------- codebook : np.ndarray((nbins,nbands)) The nbins centroids of the clusters. codes : np.ndarray((nx, ny), int) Which cluster each point belongs to. distortion : (float, np.ndarray((nx*ny)) The distortion of the kmeans, and the distance between the observation and its nearest code. """ import scipy.cluster.vq if len(rasters.shape) == 2: rasters = np.expand_dims(rasters, -1) assert (len(rasters.shape) == 3) in_shp = rasters.shape[0:2] total_shp = in_shp[0] * in_shp[1] obs = np.reshape(rasters, (-1, rasters.shape[-1])) obs_nonan = obs[~np.isnan(obs[:, 0]), :] whiten_obs, whiten_dat = _whiten(obs_nonan) codebook, dist1 = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans(whiten_obs, nbins) code, dist2 = scipy.cluster.vq.vq(whiten_obs, codebook) codebook = _unwhiten(codebook, whiten_dat) codes_nan = -1 * np.ones((total_shp, ), 'i') codes_nan[~np.isnan(obs[:, 0])] = code return codebook, codes_nan.reshape(in_shp), (dist1, dist2)
[docs] def alpha_from_permeability(perm, poro): """Compute van Genuchten alpha from permeability and porosity. Uses the relationship from Guarracino WRR 2007. Parameters ---------- perm : array(double) Permeability, in [m^2] poro : array(double) Porosity, [-] Returns ------- alpha : array(double) van Genuchten alpha, in [Pa^-1] """ # note all constants are as used in Guarracino paper to not # introduce biases in unit changes. K_m_per_s = perm * 998. * 9.8 / 1e-3 K_cm_per_d = K_m_per_s * 100 * 86400. alpha_per_cm = np.sqrt(K_cm_per_d / 4.65e4 / poro) alpha_per_Pa = alpha_per_cm * 100 / 998. / 9.8 return alpha_per_Pa
# make a bedrock dataframe
[docs] def get_bedrock_properties(): """Simple helper function to get a one-row dataframe with bedrock properties. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Sane default bedrock soil properties. """ poro = 0.05 perm = 1.0e-16 df = pandas.DataFrame() df['ats_id'] = [999, ] df['porosity [-]'] = [poro, ] df['permeability [m^2]'] = [perm, ] df['van Genuchten alpha [Pa^-1]'] = alpha_from_permeability(perm, poro) df['van Genuchten n [-]'] = 3.0 df['residual saturation [-]'] = 0.01 df['source'] = 'n/a' df.set_index('ats_id', drop=True, inplace=True) return df
[docs] def mangle_glhymps_properties(shapes, min_porosity=0.01, max_permeability=np.inf, max_vg_alpha=np.inf): """GLHYMPs properties need their units changed and variables renamed. Parameters ---------- shapes : list[dict] or list[shapely + properties] The raw result from FileManagerGLHYMPS.get_shapes() min_porosity : float, optional Some GLHYMPS entries have 0 porosity; this sets a floor on that value. Default is 0.01. max_permeability : float, optional If provided, sets a ceiling on the permeability. max_vg_alpha : float, optional If provided, sets a ceiling on the vG alpha. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The resulting properties in standard form, names, and units. """ assert (len(shapes) > 0) if type(shapes[0]) is dict: shp_props = [shp['properties'] for shp in shapes] else: shp_props = [ for shp in shapes] ids = np.array([prop['OBJECTID_1'] for prop in shp_props], dtype=int) for prop in shp_props: prop['id'] = prop['OBJECTID_1'] Ksat = np.array([prop['logK_Ferr_'] for prop in shp_props], dtype=float) Ksat = 10**(Ksat / 100) # units = m^2, division by 100 is per GLHYMPS Readme file Ksat = np.minimum(Ksat, max_permeability) Ksat_std = np.array([prop['K_stdev_x1'] for prop in shp_props], dtype=float) # standard deviation Ksat_std = Ksat_std / 100 # division by 100 is per GLHYMPS readme poro = np.array([prop['Porosity_x'] for prop in shp_props], dtype=float) # [-] poro = poro / 100 # division by 100 is per GLHYMPS readme poro = np.maximum(poro, min_porosity) # some values are 0? #descriptions = [prop['Descriptio'] for prop in shp_props] # derived properties # - this scaling law has trouble for really small porosity, especially high permeability low porosity vg_alpha = np.minimum(watershed_workflow.soil_properties.alpha_from_permeability(Ksat, poro), max_vg_alpha) vg_n = 2.0 # arbitrarily chosen sr = 0.01 # arbitrarily chosen properties = pandas.DataFrame( data={ 'id': ids, 'source': 'GLHYMPS', 'permeability [m^2]': Ksat, 'logk_stdev [-]': Ksat_std, 'porosity [-]': poro, 'van Genuchten alpha [Pa^-1]': vg_alpha, 'van Genuchten n [-]': vg_n, 'residual saturation [-]': sr, #'description' : descriptions, }) return properties
[docs] def drop_duplicates(df): """Search for duplicate soils which differ only by ID, and rename them, returning a new df. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A data frame that contains only properties (e.g. permeability, porosity, WRM) and is indexed by some native ID. Returns ------- df_new : pandas.DataFrame After this is called, df_new will: 1. have a new column, named by df's index name, containing a tuple of all of the original indices that had the same properties. 2. be reduced in number of rows relative to df such that soil properties are now unique """ df_new = df.copy() grouped = list(df_new.groupby(list(df_new)).apply(lambda x: tuple(x.index))) df_new.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) df_new.reset_index(inplace=True) grouped_reordered = [next(g for g in grouped if i in g) for i in df_new[]] df_new[] = grouped_reordered # error checkign! common_cols = [col for col in df if col in df_new] for ind in df.index: new_ind = next(e for e in df_new.index if ind in df_new.loc[e,]) for col in common_cols: assert (df.loc[ind, col] == df_new.loc[new_ind, col]) return df_new