Source code for watershed_workflow.river_mesh

"""creates river mesh using quad, pentagon and hexagon elements"""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging

import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

import watershed_workflow.utils
import watershed_workflow.tinytree
import watershed_workflow.plot

[docs] class IntersectionError(Exception): pass
def _indexPointInSeg(segment, point, tol=1.e-2): try: ind = segment.coords[:].index(point.coords[0]) except ValueError: ind, p = min(((i, p) for (i, p) in enumerate(segment.coords[:])), key=lambda ip: shapely.geometry.Point(ip[1]).distance(point)) assert (shapely.geometry.Point(p).distance(point) < tol) return ind
[docs] def sort_children_by_angle(tree, reverse=False): """Sorts the children of a given segment by their angle with respect to that segment.""" for node in tree.preOrder(): if len(node.children) > 1: # compute tangents my_seg_tan = np.array(node.segment.coords[0]) - np.array(node.segment.coords[1]) if reverse: sign = -1 else: sign = 1 def angle(c): tan = np.array(c.segment.coords[-2]) - np.array(c.segment.coords[-1]) return sign * watershed_workflow.utils.angle(my_seg_tan, tan) node.children.sort(key=angle)
def _isOverlappingCorridor(corr, river): if len(corr.interiors) > 0: # there is an overlap upstream of the junction of two tributaries, # creating a hole return 2 n = 0 if not _isExpectedNumPoints(corr, river, n): # overlaps at the junction result in losing points in the corridor polygon. return 1 return 0 def _isOverlappingCorridors(corrs, rivers): """Corridors can overlap""" if any(_isOverlappingCorridor(c, river) for (c, river) in zip(corrs, rivers)): return True corrs_area = shapely.ops.unary_union(corrs).area summed_area = sum(c.area for c in corrs) if abs(summed_area - corrs_area) > 1.e-3: return True return False def _isExpectedNumPoints(corr, river, n): """Check if the points on the corridor are same as calculated theoretically""" n_child = [] for node in river.preOrder(): n_child.append(len(node.children)) n = 2 # two outlet points for node in river.preOrder(): n = n + 2 * (len(node.segment.coords) - 1) n = n - n_child.count(0) + n_child.count(2) + 2 * n_child.count(3) + 3 * n_child.count(4) return len(corr.exterior.coords) - 1 == n
[docs] def create_rivers_meshes(rivers, widths=8, enforce_convexity=True, ax=None, label=True): """Returns list of elems and river corridor polygons for a given list of river trees Parameters: ----------- rivers: list(watershed_workflow.river_tree.River object) List of river tree along which river meshes are to be created widths: float or dict or callable or boolean Width of the quads, either a float or a dictionary providing a {StreamOrder : width} mapping. Or a function (callable) that computer width using node properties Or boolean, where True means, width for each reach is explicitely provided properties as "width" enforce_convexity: boolean If true, enforce convexity of the pentagons/hexagons at the junctions. ax : matplotlib Axes object, optional For debugging -- plots troublesome reaches as quad elements are generated to find tricky areas. label : bool, optional = True If true and ax is provided, animates the debugging plot with reach ID labels as the user hovers over the plot. Requires a widget backend for matplotlib. Returns ------- elems: list(list) List of river elements, each element a list of indices into corr.coords. corrs: list(shapely.geometry.Polygon) List of river corridor polygons, one per river, storing the coordinates used in elems. """ elems = [] corrs = [] gid_shift = 0 # set up debugging plot if ax is not None:' ... setting up debug figure') fig = ax.get_figure() ax.set_title(' magenta ^: first touch \n green o: leaf, final element ' 'complete \n blue o: internal element complete ') nodes = [r for river in rivers for r in river.preOrder()] reach_list = [r.segment for r in nodes] reach_names = [['ID'] for r in nodes] reach_colors = watershed_workflow.colors.enumerated_colors(len(nodes), 2) lines = watershed_workflow.plot.shplys(reach_list, None, reach_colors, ax) if label: # the next block creates a hoverable plot where reaches are # annotated with their IDs. This makes it easier for the user # to find the bad spot. annot = ax.annotate("", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(20, 20), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) annot.set_visible(False) def update_annot(idx): posx, posy = reach_list[idx].centroid.coords[0] annot.xy = (posx, posy) text = f'ID: {reach_names[idx]}' annot.set_text(text) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_facecolor(reach_colors[idx]) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.8) def hover(event): vis = annot.get_visible() if event.inaxes == ax: cont, ind = lines.contains(event) if cont: update_annot(ind['ind'][0]) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() else: if vis: annot.set_visible(False) fig.canvas.draw_idle() ax.get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover) # now do the actual work for i, river in enumerate(rivers):'River {i}') if len(elems) != 0: gid_shift = np.max([max(map(int, elem)) for elem in elems]) + 1 elems_river, corr = create_river_mesh(river, widths=widths, enforce_convexity=enforce_convexity, gid_shift=gid_shift, ax=ax) elems = elems + elems_river corrs = corrs + [corr, ] if _isOverlappingCorridors(corrs, rivers): raise RuntimeError('Overlapping quad elements in neighboring rivers, try ' 'reducing river width or check reach data') return elems, corrs
[docs] def create_river_mesh(river, widths=8, enforce_convexity=True, gid_shift=0, dilation_width=4, ax=None): """Returns list of elems and river corridor polygons for a given river tree Parameters: ----------- river: watershed_workflow.river_tree.River object) River tree along which mesh is to be created widths: float or dict or callable or boolean Width of the quads, either a float or a dictionary providing a {StreamOrder : width} mapping. Or a function (callable) that computer width using node properties Or boolean, where True means, width for each reach is explicitely provided properties as "width" enforce_convexity: boolean If true, enforce convexity of the pentagons/hexagons at the junctions. gid_shift: int All the node-ids used in the element defination are shifted by this number to make it consistant with the global ids in the m2 mesh, necessary in the case of multiple rivers dilation_width: float This is used for initial buffering of the river tree into the river corridor polygon. For a typical watershed the 4 m default should work well; for smaller domains, setting smaller initial dilation_width might be desirable (much smaller than expected quad element length). ax : matplotlib Axes object, optional For debugging -- plots troublesome reaches as quad elements are generated to find tricky areas. Returns ------- elems: List(List) List of river elements, each element a list of indices into corr.coords. corr: shapely.geometry.Polygon The polygon of all elements, stores the coordinates. """ # creating a polygon for river corridor by dilating the river tree if isinstance(widths, dict): dilation_width = min(dilation_width, min(widths.values())) elif isinstance(widths, int) and not isinstance(widths, bool): dilation_width = min(dilation_width, widths) corr = create_river_corridor(river, dilation_width) # defining special elements in the mesh elems = to_quads(river, corr, dilation_width, gid_shift=gid_shift, ax=ax) # setting river_widths in the river corridor polygon corr = set_width(river, corr, widths=widths, dilation_width=dilation_width, gid_shift=gid_shift) # treating non-convexity at junctions if enforce_convexity: corr = convexity_enforcement(river, corr, gid_shift=gid_shift) # redraw the debug plot with updated elems if ax is not None: coords = list(corr.exterior.coords) shapes = [shapely.geometry.Polygon([coords[e - gid_shift] for e in elem]) for elem in elems] watershed_workflow.plot.shplys(shapes, None, 'r', ax) oc = _isOverlappingCorridor(corr, river) if oc == 1: raise RuntimeError('Overlapping quad elements away from a junction -- try ' 'reducing river width or checking data to ensure no braided ' 'or nearly braided systems') elif oc == 2: raise RuntimeError('Overlapping quad elements at a junction -- try ' ' increasing junction_angle_limit in densification, or check data.') return elems, corr
[docs] def create_river_corridor(river, width): """Returns a polygon representing the river corridor with a fixed dilation width. Parameters ---------- river : watershed_workflow.river_tree.River object River tree along which corridor polygon is to be created. width : float Width to dilate the river. Returns ------- shapely.geometry.Polygon Resulting polygon. """'... generating initial polygon through dilation ({width} m)') # first sort the river so that in a search we always take paddlers right... # check river consistency if not river.is_continuous(): river.make_continuous() sort_children_by_angle(river, True) delta = width / 2 # make there are no three collinear points, else buffer will ignore those points' -- treating collinearity') for node in river.preOrder(): new_seg_coords = watershed_workflow.utils.treat_segment_collinearity(node.segment.coords[:]) node.segment = shapely.geometry.LineString(new_seg_coords) # find smallest lengthscale as threshold to identify double and triple points mins = [] for line in river.depthFirst(): coords = np.array(line.coords[:]) dz = np.linalg.norm(coords[1:] - coords[:-1], 2, -1) mins.append(np.min(dz))" -- river min seg length: {min(mins)}") # Currently this same for the whole river, should we change it reachwise? length_scale = max(2.1 * delta, min(mins) - 8*delta)" -- merging points closer than {length_scale} m along the river corridor") # buffer by the width mls = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString([r for r in river.depthFirst()]) corr = mls.buffer(delta, cap_style=shapely.geometry.CAP_STYLE.flat, join_style=shapely.geometry.JOIN_STYLE.mitre) # cycle the corridor points to start and end with the 1st point. corr_p = list(corr.exterior.coords[:-1]) outlet_p = river.segment.coords[-1] index_min = min(range(len(corr_p)), key=lambda i: watershed_workflow.utils.distance(corr_p[i], outlet_p)) plus_one = (index_min+1) % len(corr_p) minus_one = (index_min-1) % len(corr_p) if (watershed_workflow.utils.distance(corr_p[plus_one], outlet_p) < watershed_workflow.utils.distance(corr_p[minus_one], outlet_p)): corr2_p = corr_p[plus_one:] + corr_p[0:plus_one] else: corr2_p = corr_p[index_min:] + corr_p[0:index_min] corr2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(corr2_p) # remove endpoint-doubles that we want to be a single point and # weird artifact triples at junctions corr3_p = [] i = 0 while i < len(corr2_p): logging.debug(f'considering {i}') if i == 0 or i == len(corr2_p) - 1: # keep first and last always -- first two points make the outlet segment logging.debug(f' always keeping') corr3_p.append(corr2_p[i]) else: if watershed_workflow.utils.distance(corr2_p[i - 1], corr2_p[i]) < length_scale: # is this a triple point? if watershed_workflow.utils.distance(corr2_p[i + 1], corr2_p[i]) < length_scale: logging.debug(' triple point!') # triple point, average neighbors and skip the next point corr3_p.append(watershed_workflow.utils.midpoint(corr2_p[i + 1], corr2_p[i - 1])) i += 1 else: # double point -- an end of a first order stream logging.debug(' double point') corr3_p.append(watershed_workflow.utils.midpoint(corr2_p[i - 1], corr2_p[i])) else: # will the next point deal with this? if watershed_workflow.utils.distance(corr2_p[i], corr2_p[i + 1]) < length_scale: logging.debug(' not my problem') pass else: logging.debug(' keeping') corr3_p.append(corr2_p[i]) i += 1 # create the polgyon corr3 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(corr3_p) n = 0 # check if the points on the river corridor are same as calculated theoretically if not _isExpectedNumPoints(corr3, river, n): raise RuntimeError( f"Broken dilation -- expected {n} coords, got {len(corr3.exterior.coords[:])}" " -- recommend running with ax argument to tessalate_river_aligned() to debug!") return corr3
[docs] def to_quads(river, corr, width, gid_shift=0, ax=None): """Iterate over the rivers, creating quads and pentagons forming the corridor. The global_id_adjustment is to keep track of node_id in elements w.r.t to global id in mesh mainly relevant for multiple river Parameters ---------- rivers : watershed_workflow.river_tree.River river tree corr : shapely.geometry.Polygon a river corridor polygon for the river width : float fixed width used for dilating the river gid_shift: int All the node-ids used in the element defination are shifted by this number to make it consistant with the global ids in the m2 mesh, necessary in the case of multiple rivers. Returns ------- elems: list(list) List of river elements """'... defining river-mesh topology (quad elements)') delta = width / 2 coords = corr.exterior.coords[:-1] artists = [] # list of things added to ax here import time def pause(): time.sleep(0.) # number the nodes in a dfs pattern, creating empty space for elements for i, node in enumerate(river.preOrder()): = i node.elements = [list() for l in range(len(node.segment.coords) - 1)] assert (len(node.elements) >= 1) node.touched = 0 # iterate over the tree in an out-and-back-and-in-between # traversal, where every node appears num_children + 1 times, # before and after and between each child. ic = 0 total_touches = 0 for node in river.prePostInBetweenOrder(): logging.debug( f'touching {} (previously touched {node.touched} times with {len(node.children)} children)' ) if node.touched == 0: logging.debug(f' first time around! {node.touched+1}') # not yet touched -- add the first coordinates seg_coords = [coords[ic], ] for j in range(len(node.elements)): node.elements[j].append(ic) ic += 1 node.elements[j].append(ic) seg_coords.append(coords[ic]) node.touched += 1 total_touches += 1 seg_coords = np.array(seg_coords) if ax != None: artists.append(ax.plot(seg_coords[:, 0], seg_coords[:, 1], 'm^', markersize=5)) pause() elif node.touched == 1 and len(node.children) == 0: # leaf node, last time logging.debug(f' last time around a leaf! {node.touched+1}') # increment to avoid double-counting the point in the triangle on the ends seg_coords = [coords[ic], ] ic += 1 node.elements[-1].append(ic) seg_coords.append(coords[ic]) for j in reversed(range(len(node.elements) - 1)): node.elements[j].append(ic) ic += 1 node.elements[j].append(ic) seg_coords.append(coords[ic]) node.touched += 1 total_touches += 1 if ax != None: # plot it... # seg_coords = np.array(seg_coords) # artists.append(ax.plot(seg_coords[:, 0], seg_coords[:, 1], 'gv', markersize=5)) # also plot the conn for i, elem in enumerate(node.elements): looped_conn = elem[:] looped_conn.append(elem[0]) if i == len(node.elements) - 1: assert (len(looped_conn) == 4) else: assert (len(looped_conn) == 5) cc = np.array([coords[n] for n in looped_conn]) artists.append(ax.plot(cc[:, 0], cc[:, 1], 'g-o')) pause() elif node.touched == len(node.children): logging.debug(f' last time around! {node.touched+1}') seg_coords = [coords[ic], ] # touched enough times that this is the last appearance # add the last coordinates for j in reversed(range(len(node.elements))): node.elements[j].append(ic) ic += 1 node.elements[j].append(ic) seg_coords.append(coords[ic]) node.touched += 1 total_touches += 1 if ax != None: #plot it... seg_coords = np.array(seg_coords) artists.append(ax.plot(seg_coords[:, 0], seg_coords[:, 1], 'b^', markersize=5)) # also plot the conn for i, elem in enumerate(node.elements): looped_conn = elem[:] looped_conn.append(elem[0]) if i == len(node.elements) - 1: assert (len(looped_conn) == (node.touched + 3)) else: assert (len(looped_conn) == 5) cc = np.array([coords[n] for n in looped_conn]) if ax != None: artists.append(ax.plot(cc[:, 0], cc[:, 1], 'b-o')) for c in cc: # What is this actually checking? Need a comment here -- this is confusing code. --ETC # # note, the more acute an angle, the bigger this distance can get... # so it is a bit hard to pin this multiple down -- using 25 seems ok? if not (watershed_workflow.utils.close(tuple(c), node.segment.coords[len(node.segment.coords)-(i+1)], 25*delta) or \ watershed_workflow.utils.close(tuple(c), node.segment.coords[len(node.segment.coords)-(i+2)], 25*delta)): logging.debug(c, node.segment.coords[len(node.segment.coords) - (i+1)], node.segment.coords[len(node.segment.coords) - (i+2)]) logging.debug( assert(watershed_workflow.utils.close(tuple(c), node.segment.coords[len(node.segment.coords)-(i+1)], 25*delta) or \ watershed_workflow.utils.close(tuple(c), node.segment.coords[len(node.segment.coords)-(i+2)], 25*delta)) pause() else: # adding the junction point logging.debug(f' middle time around! {node.touched+1}') assert (node.touched < len(node.children)) # touched in between children # therefore this is at least a pentagon # add the middle node on the last element node.elements[-1].append(ic) node.touched += 1 if ax != None: artists.append(ax.scatter([coords[ic][0], ], [coords[ic][1], ], c='m', marker='^')) pause() assert (len(coords) == (ic + 1)) assert (len(river) * 2 == total_touches) # this nodeid-shift is needed in case of multiple rivers, to make # this id consistent with global node ids in a m2 mesh for node in river.preOrder(): for i, elems in enumerate(node.elements): elems_new = [node_id + gid_shift for node_id in elems] node.elements[i] = elems_new elems = [el for node in river.preOrder() for el in node.elements] # once we have reached here, the debug plot is not so needed anymore, # and leaving all our dots makes things cluttered. for artist in artists: if isinstance(artist, list): for it in artist: it.remove() else: artist.remove() return elems
[docs] def set_width(river, corr, widths=8, dilation_width=8, gid_shift=0): """Adjust the river-corridor polygon width by order. Parameters ---------- river: watershed_workflow.river_tree.River river tree along which mesh is to be created corr : shapely.geometry.Polygon a river corridor polygon for the river widths: float or dict or callable or boolean Width of the quads, either a float or a dictionary providing a {StreamOrder : width} mapping. Or a function (callable) that computer width using node properties Or boolean, where True means, width for each reach is explicitely provided properties as "width" Returns ------- shapely.geometry.Polygon river corridor polygon with adjusted width """"... setting width of quad elements") corr_coords = corr.exterior.coords[:-1] if type(widths) == dict: stream_order = next( (i for i in ['StreamOrder', 'streamorder', 'streamorde'] if i in, None) if stream_order is None: raise RuntimeError( 'set_width_by_order requested widths by stream order, but cannot guess stream order property name' ) for j, node in enumerate(river.preOrder()): if type(widths) == dict: order =[stream_order] target_width = width_by_order(widths, order) elif callable(widths): ## DA_sqm =['TotalDrainageAreaSqKm'] * 1e6 # genralized, the above calclations should be done in the function itself # widths here is a function of node, where # widths wil be calculated based on some properties in the node target_width = widths(node) elif isinstance(widths, bool): if widths: target_width =['width'] else: raise RuntimeError('not a valid option to provide width') else: target_width = widths # loop over elems, treating the upstream edge for i, elem in enumerate(node.elements): elem = [id - gid_shift for id in elem] if len(elem) == 3: continue # no upstream edge elif len(elem) == 4: p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[1]][:2]) # points of the upstream edge of the quad p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[2]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[1]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[2]] = tuple(p2_) elif len(elem) == 5: p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[1]][:2]) # neck of the pent p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[3]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[1]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[3]] = tuple(p2_) elif len(elem) == 6: p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[2]][:2]) # neck of the hex p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[3]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[2]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[3]] = tuple(p2_) p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[1]][:2]) # in one p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[4]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[1]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[4]] = tuple(p2_) elif len(elem) == 7: p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[2]][:2]) # neck of the sept p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[4]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[2]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[4]] = tuple(p2_) p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[1]][:2]) # in one p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[5]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[1]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[5]] = tuple(p2_) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Case with {len(elem)} nodes is not yet treated... good luck!") # treat the most downstream edge, which is left out so far if i == 0: # points of the upstream edge of the quad/pent p1 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[0]][:2]) p2 = np.array(corr_coords[elem[-1]][:2]) [p1_, p2_] = move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target_width, dilation_width=dilation_width) corr_coords[elem[0]] = tuple(p1_) corr_coords[elem[-1]] = tuple(p2_) corr_coords_new = corr_coords + [corr_coords[0]] return shapely.geometry.Polygon(corr_coords_new)
[docs] def move_to_target_separation(p1, p2, target, dilation_width=8): """Returns the points after moving them to a target separation from each other""" import math d_vec = p1 - p2 # separation vector d = np.sqrt( # distance # scales for angled joints (not exactly calculated but should be good enough) target = target * min(d / dilation_width, 1.2) delta = target - d p1_ = p1 + 0.5 * delta * (d_vec) / d p2_ = p2 - 0.5 * delta * (d_vec) / d d_ = watershed_workflow.utils.distance(p1_, p2_) assert (math.isclose(d_, target, rel_tol=1e-5)) return [p1_, p2_]
[docs] def width_by_order(width_dict, order): """Returns the reach width based using the {order:width dictionary}""" if order > max(width_dict.keys()): width = width_dict[max(width_dict.keys())] elif order < min(width_dict.keys()): width = width_dict[min(width_dict.keys())] else: width = width_dict[order] return width
[docs] def convexity_enforcement(river, corr, gid_shift): """Ensure convexity of each river-corridor element. Moves nodes onto the convex hull of the element if needed. Parameters ---------- river: watershed_workflow.river_tree.River River tree along which mesh is to be created corr : shapely.geometry.Polygon The river corridor polygon Returns ------- shapely.geometry.Polygon The new polygon with all convex elements. """'... enforcing convexity') coords = corr.exterior.coords[:-1] for j, node in enumerate(river.preOrder()): for elem in node.elements: elem = [id - gid_shift for id in elem] if len(elem) == 5 or len(elem) == 6 or len( elem) == 7: # checking and treating this pentagon/hexagon points = [coords[id] for id in elem] # element points if not watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points): points = make_convex_using_hull(points) if not (watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points)): # go back to original set of points as snapping on # hull might have incorrectly oriented points points = [coords[id] for id in elem] f" could not make these: {points} convex using convex hull, trying nudging...." ) points = make_convex_by_nudge(points) assert ((watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points))) for id, point in zip(elem, points): coords[id] = point corr_coords_new = coords + [coords[0]] return shapely.geometry.Polygon(corr_coords_new)
[docs] def make_convex_using_hull(points): """Snaps non-convex points to the corresonding edge on the convex hull for the non-convex element""" # find points that do not lie on the hull hull = ConvexHull(points) hull_indices = set(hull.vertices) non_hull_points_inds = [i for i in range(len(points)) if i not in hull_indices] # for each non-hull point, get the linestring connecting it's preceding point and suceeding point hull_edges = [] n = len(points) for index in non_hull_points_inds: prev_index = (index-1) % n next_index = (index+1) % n edge = (points[prev_index], points[next_index]) hull_edges.append(shapely.geometry.LineString(edge)) # for each pair of non-hull point find nearest point on the corresponding hull_edge for ind, hull_edge in zip(non_hull_points_inds, hull_edges): nearest_point_on_hull_edge, _ = shapely.ops.nearest_points( hull_edge, shapely.geometry.Point(points[ind])) points[ind] = nearest_point_on_hull_edge.coords[0] return points
[docs] def make_convex_by_nudge(points): """Nudges the neck-points of the junction until the element is convex. Used if efficient convexity does not work """ i = 0 if len(points) == 5: while not watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points): p1, p3 = [np.array(points[1]), np.array(points[3])] d = p1 - p3 p1_ = p3 + 1.01*d p3_ = p1 - 1.01*d points[1] = tuple(p1_) points[3] = tuple(p3_) i += 1 logging.debug(f"... element was adjusted {i} times") elif len(points) == 6: while not watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points): p1, p4 = [np.array(points[1]), np.array(points[4])] d = p1 - p4 p1_ = p4 + 1.01*d p4_ = p1 - 1.01*d points[1] = tuple(p1_) points[4] = tuple(p4_) i += 1 logging.debug(f"... element was adjusted {i} times") elif len(points) == 7: while not watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points): p1, p5 = [np.array(points[1]), np.array(points[5])] d = p1 - p5 p1_ = p5 + 1.01*d p5_ = p1 - 1.01*d points[1] = tuple(p1_) points[5] = tuple(p5_) p2, p4 = [np.array(points[2]), np.array(points[4])] d = p2 - p4 p2_ = p4 + 1.01*d p4_ = p2 - 1.01*d points[2] = tuple(p2_) points[4] = tuple(p4_) i += 1 logging.debug(f"... element was adjusted {i} times") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Case with {len(points)} nodes is not yet treated... good luck!") assert (watershed_workflow.utils.is_convex(points)) return points
## Supporting functions for river meshing: accomodate river corridor with internal huc boundaries ## generally rc = river corridor; rt = river tree
[docs] def hucsegs_at_intersection(point, hucs): """For a given intersection point, return a list of indices for huc.segments touching this point""" intersection_segs = [] for i, seg in enumerate(hucs.segments): if seg.intersects(point): intersection_segs.append(i) return intersection_segs
def node_at_intersection(point, river): # for a given intersection point, find all the huc-segments (indices) intersection_node = None len_scale = watershed_workflow.utils.distance(river.segment.coords[0], river.segment.coords[1]) for node in river.preOrder(): if point.buffer(0.1 * len_scale).intersects(node.segment): intersection_node = node break return intersection_node
[docs] def angle_rivers_segs(ref_seg, seg): """Returns the angle of incoming-river-segment or huc-segment w.r.t outgoing river. The angle is measured clockwise; this is useful to sort orientation wise and add river corridor points at junction """ ref_seg_tan = np.array(ref_seg.coords[1]) - np.array(ref_seg.coords[0]) if type(seg) is shapely.geometry.LineString: intersection_point = ref_seg.intersection(seg) if not isinstance(intersection_point, shapely.geometry.Point): f" HUC segment and river reach has two intersection points {intersection_point}") seg_orientation_flag = np.argmin([ watershed_workflow.utils.distance(seg_end, intersection_point.coords[0]) for seg_end in [seg.coords[0], seg.coords[-1]] ]) if seg_orientation_flag == 0: seg_tan = np.array(seg.coords[1]) - np.array(seg.coords[0]) if seg_orientation_flag == 1: seg_tan = np.array(seg.coords[-2]) - np.array(seg.coords[-1]) angle = -watershed_workflow.utils.angle(ref_seg_tan, seg_tan) elif type(seg) is watershed_workflow.river_tree.River: seg_tan = np.array(seg.segment.coords[-2]) - np.array(seg.segment.coords[-1]) angle = -watershed_workflow.utils.angle(ref_seg_tan, seg_tan) if angle < 0: angle = angle + 360 return angle
[docs] def rc_points_for_rt_point(rt_point, node, river_corr): """Returns the points (list of indices of coords) on the river-corridor-polygon for a given junction point on river tree.""" #assert (node.segment.intersects(rt_point)) rt_point_ind = _indexPointInSeg(node.segment, rt_point) # this give id of stream mesh element which has this rt point at upstream end elem_ind = (len(node.segment.coords) - 1 - rt_point_ind) - 1 elem = node.elements[elem_ind] if len(elem) == 4: # return two points rc_points = [river_corr.exterior.coords[ind] for ind in [elem[1], elem[2]]] elif len(elem) == 5: # return three points at junction rc_points = [river_corr.exterior.coords[ind] for ind in [elem[1], elem[2], elem[3]]] elif len(elem) == 6: # return three points at junction rc_points = [ river_corr.exterior.coords[ind] for ind in [elem[1], elem[2], elem[3], elem[4]] ] else: raise ValueError('Too many points in elem?') return rc_points
[docs] def adjust_seg_for_rc(seg, river_corr, new_seg_point, integrate_rc=False): """Return the modified segment accomodating river-corridor-polygon (exclude river corridor or integrate with it).""" if not integrate_rc: len_scale = watershed_workflow.utils.distance(river_corr.exterior.coords[0], river_corr.exterior.coords[-1]) seg = seg.difference(river_corr.buffer(0.1 * len_scale)) # removing seg points inside the RC if type( seg ) is shapely.geometry.MultiLineString: # sometimes small portion of the segment can end up on the other side of the rc seg = seg[np.argmax([seg_.length for seg_ in seg])] seg_orientation_flag = np.argmin([ watershed_workflow.utils.distance(seg_end, new_seg_point) for seg_end in [seg.coords[0], seg.coords[-1]] ]) if seg_orientation_flag == 0: seg = shapely.geometry.LineString([new_seg_point, ] + seg.coords[1:]) elif seg_orientation_flag == 1: seg = shapely.geometry.LineString(seg.coords[:-1] + [new_seg_point, ]) else: seg_orientation_flag = np.argmin([ watershed_workflow.utils.distance(seg_end, new_seg_point) for seg_end in [seg.coords[0], seg.coords[-1]] ]) if seg_orientation_flag == 0: seg = shapely.geometry.LineString([new_seg_point, ] + seg.coords[:]) elif seg_orientation_flag == 1: seg = shapely.geometry.LineString(seg.coords[:] + [new_seg_point, ]) return seg
[docs] def adjust_hucs_for_river_corridors(hucs, rivers, river_corrs, integrate_rc=True, ax=None): """Adjusts hucs to accomodate river corridor polygons. Parameters ---------- hucs : SplitHUCs A split-form HUC object from, e.g., get_split_form_hucs(), will be modified in place. rivers : list(watershed_workflow.river_tree.River) A list of river tree object river_corrs : list(shapely.geometry.Polygons) A list of river corridor polygons for each river integrate_rc: bool, optional if false, will leave gap in the huc whereever rc crosses huc except at the overall outlet; hence hucs.polygons() will break, this mode is to be used during triangulation to creates NodesEdges object with a rc as a whole if true, will extend the hucs-segments alogn the edge of quads """ gid_shift = 0 for river, river_corr in zip(rivers, river_corrs): adjust_hucs_for_river_corridor(hucs, river, river_corr, gid_shift=gid_shift, integrate_rc=integrate_rc, ax=ax) gid_shift = gid_shift + len(river_corr.exterior.coords) - 1
[docs] def adjust_hucs_for_river_corridor(hucs, river, river_corr, gid_shift=0, integrate_rc=True, ax=None): """Adjusts hucs to accomodate river corridor polygon. Parameters ---------- hucs : SplitHUCs A split-form HUC object from, e.g., get_split_form_hucs() river : watershed_workflow.river_tree.River object river tree river_corr : shapely.geometry.Polygons A river corridor polygon for given river integrate_rc: bool, optional If false, this will leave gap in the huc whereever rc crosses huc except at the overall outlet; hence hucs.polygons() will break, this mode is to be used during triangulation to creates NodesEdges object with a rc as a whole. If true, will extend the hucs-segments alogn the edge of quads. """" adjusting HUC boundary to include the river outlet segments") # rt = river tree; rc = river corridor river_mls = shapely.geometry.MultiLineString(list(river)) # for checking intersection huc_segs_adjusted = [] # keep track of already modified hucs for i, seg in enumerate(hucs.segments): is_unadjusted_outlet_point = False # check if this huc is part of already processed junction if i not in huc_segs_adjusted and seg.intersects(river_mls):" ... found an intersection of river and huc seg") intersection_point = seg.intersection(river_mls) if type(intersection_point) is shapely.geometry.Point: parent_node = node_at_intersection(intersection_point, river) # making sure it is not a leaf node, though this check # fails if there is only one reach in the domain. So # this may fail for a single reach that begins and # ends on the boundary. -- fix me! if len(river) == 1 or len(parent_node.children) != 0: is_unadjusted_outlet_point = True elif type(intersection_point) is shapely.geometry.MultiPoint: for point in intersection_point: parent_node = node_at_intersection(point, river) if len(parent_node.children) != 0: is_unadjusted_outlet_point = True intersection_point = point if is_unadjusted_outlet_point:" ... it is an unadjusted outlet!") # hopefully no LineStrings or MultiPoints # assert(type(intersection_point) is shapely.geometry.Point) # find all the huc-segments at this junction intersection_segs = hucsegs_at_intersection(intersection_point, hucs) huc_segs_adjusted = huc_segs_adjusted + intersection_segs # mark them as modified (in the following steps) # find the downstream node (outgoing river reach) at this junction parent_node = node_at_intersection(intersection_point, river) if parent_node.parent == None: # check if it is the outlet node for this river outlet_junction = True else: outlet_junction = False" ... is there a parent to this? {parent_node.parent}") # find the index of the intersection point (at this # junction) on the rt-node-segment (needed to find rc # points) try: ind_intersection_point = _indexPointInSeg(parent_node.segment, intersection_point) except ValueError: err = IntersectionError() err.point = intersection_point err.river_seg = parent_node.segment err.river = river err.huc_segment = seg raise err if outlet_junction:' found outlet junction') elem = parent_node.elements[0] elem = [int(id - gid_shift) for id in elem] # rc points at junction rc_points = [river_corr.exterior.coords[ind] for ind in [elem[0], elem[-1]]] # reference segment for angles if len(parent_node.segment.coords) > 2: ref_seg = shapely.geometry.LineString( parent_node.segment.coords[ind_intersection_point - 2:]) else: ref_seg = parent_node.segment # orientations of hucs-segments seg_angles = [ angle_rivers_segs(ref_seg, hucs.segments[seg_id]) for seg_id in intersection_segs ] incoming_river_angles = [180, ] # this hardcoded only for outlet junction # all line segments (hucs-segments and river-segments) at this junction all_segs = intersection_segs + [parent_node, ] else: # internal junction rc_points = rc_points_for_rt_point(intersection_point, parent_node, river_corr) # this is small part of the parent node.segment just downstream of the intersection point ref_seg = shapely.geometry.LineString( parent_node.segment.coords[ind_intersection_point:ind_intersection_point + 2]) seg_angles = [ angle_rivers_segs(ref_seg, hucs.segments[seg_id]) for seg_id in intersection_segs ] # orientations of incoming river-segments if intersection_point.intersects( shapely.geometry.Point(parent_node.segment.coords[0])): # huc and rt intersect at river-merging point incoming_river_angles = [ angle_rivers_segs(ref_seg, child) for child in parent_node.children ] all_segs = intersection_segs + parent_node.children else: upstream_seg = shapely.geometry.LineString( parent_node.segment.coords[ind_intersection_point - 1:ind_intersection_point + 1]) incoming_river_angles = [angle_rivers_segs(ref_seg, upstream_seg), ] all_segs = intersection_segs + [parent_node, ] # orientation of all line segments (hucs-segments and river-segments) at this junction all_angles = seg_angles + incoming_river_angles junction_seg_angles = {all_segs[i]: all_angles[i] for i in range(len(all_segs))} # sort segments by their orientation angles junction_seg_angles_sorted = dict( sorted(junction_seg_angles.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])) # This polygon is used to remove overlapping # huc-segment and river corridor. To avoid issues at # snapped leaf node intersecting with this with this # huc segment, we create local river corridor polygon elem = parent_node.elements[0] elem = [int(id - gid_shift) for id in elem] river_corr_part = shapely.geometry.Polygon( [river_corr.exterior.coords[ind] for ind in [elem[0], elem[-1]]] + rc_points) if integrate_rc or outlet_junction: # Modify the huc boundary to integrate quad edges if len(hucs.segments) == 1: key = 0 hucs.segments[key] = adjust_seg_for_rc(hucs.segments[key], river_corr_part, rc_points[0]) hucs.segments[key] = adjust_seg_for_rc(hucs.segments[key], river_corr_part, rc_points[1]) else: # identify which river corridor point is added to hucs-segment rc_point_ind = 0 for key in junction_seg_angles_sorted.keys(): if type(key) is int:" modifying HUC segment {key}") # removing part of huc-segment overlappig with rc and snapping huc-segment end to "right" rc point hucs.segments[key] = adjust_seg_for_rc(hucs.segments[key], river_corr_part, rc_points[rc_point_ind]) key_hold = key else: rc_point_ind += 1 # extending huc-segment along smaller edge of the quad hucs.segments[key_hold] = adjust_seg_for_rc(hucs.segments[key_hold], river_corr_part, rc_points[rc_point_ind], integrate_rc=integrate_rc or outlet_junction) else: # Just remove the part of of the huc-segment overlapping with the river corridor rc_point_ind = 0 for key in junction_seg_angles_sorted.keys(): if type(key) is int:" modifying HUC Segment {key}") hucs.segments[key] = adjust_seg_for_rc(hucs.segments[key], river_corr_part, rc_points[rc_point_ind]) else: rc_point_ind += 1