Source code for watershed_workflow.hydrography

"""Functions for manipulating hydrography and river_tree.River objects"""

import math
import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import itertools
import collections

import shapely.ops
import shapely.geometry

import watershed_workflow.config
import watershed_workflow.utils
import watershed_workflow.river_tree
import watershed_workflow.split_hucs
import watershed_workflow.plot

_tol = 0.1  # meters by default

[docs] def createGlobalTree(reaches, method='geometry', tol=_tol): """Constructs River objects from a list of reaches. Parameters ---------- reaches : list[LineString] List of reaches method : str, optional='geometry' Provide the method for constructing rivers. Valid are: * 'geometry' looks at coincident coordinates * 'hydroseq' Valid only for NHDPlus data, this uses the NHDPlus VAA tables Hydrologic Sequence. If using this method, get_reaches() must have been called with both 'HydrologicSequence' and 'DownstreamMainPathHydroSeq' properties requested (or properties=True). tol : float, optional=0.1 Defines what close is in the case of method == 'geometry' """ if method == 'hydroseq': return watershed_workflow.river_tree.River.construct_rivers_by_hydroseq(reaches) elif method == 'geometry': return watershed_workflow.river_tree.River.construct_rivers_by_geometry(reaches, tol) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid method for making Rivers, must be one of 'hydroseq' or 'geometry'")
[docs] def snap(hucs, rivers, tol=_tol, triple_junctions_tol=None, reach_endpoints_tol=None, cut_intersections=False): """Snap HUCs to rivers. Attempts to make rivers that intersect, or are close to intersecting with HUC boundaries intersect discretely, in that they share a common point on the boundary. This is the highest level function -- it calls many of the other functions in this namespace. """ if triple_junctions_tol is None and tol is not None: triple_junctions_tol = 3 * tol if reach_endpoints_tol is None and tol is not None: reach_endpoints_tol = 2 * tol assert (type(hucs) is watershed_workflow.split_hucs.SplitHUCs) assert (type(rivers) is list) assert (all(river.is_continuous() for river in rivers)) list(hucs.polygons()) if len(rivers) == 0: return True assert (len(rivers) > 0) for r in rivers: assert (len(r) > 0) assert (all(r.is_locally_continuous() for r in rivers)) # snap boundary triple junctions to river endpoints if triple_junctions_tol is not None:" snapping polygon segment boundaries to river endpoints") snap_polygon_endpoints(hucs, rivers, triple_junctions_tol) if not all(river.is_continuous() for river in rivers):" ...resulted in inconsistent rivers!") return False try: list(hucs.polygons()) except AssertionError:" ...resulted in inconsistent HUCs") return False assert (all(r.is_locally_continuous() for r in rivers)) # snap endpoints of all rivers to the boundary if close # note this is a null-op on cases dealt with above if reach_endpoints_tol is not None:" snapping river endpoints to the polygon") for tree in rivers: snap_endpoints(tree, hucs, reach_endpoints_tol) if not all(river.is_continuous() for river in rivers):" ...resulted in inconsistent rivers!") return False try: list(hucs.polygons()) except AssertionError:" ...resulted in inconsistent HUCs") return False assert (all(r.is_locally_continuous() for r in rivers)) if cut_intersections: cut_and_snap_crossings(hucs, rivers, tol) assert (all(r.is_locally_continuous() for r in rivers)) # snapping can result in 0-length reaches cleanup(rivers) assert (all(r.is_locally_continuous() for r in rivers)) return rivers
[docs] def snap_waterbodies(hucs, waterbodies, tol=_tol, cut_intersections=True): """Snap waterbodies to HUCs. Attempts to make waterbodies that intersect or nearly intersect hucs intersect discretely, in that they share common point(s). """ assert (type(hucs) is watershed_workflow.split_hucs.SplitHUCs) assert (type(waterbodies) is list) list(hucs.polygons()) if len(waterbodies) == 0: return True assert (len(waterbodies) > 0) # snap endpoints of all rivers to the boundary if close # note this is a null-op on cases dealt with above" snapping waterbody points to the HUC boundary") for i, wb in enumerate(waterbodies): for polygon in hucs.polygons(): waterbodies[i] = shapely.ops.snap(wb, polygon, tol)
[docs] def cut_and_snap_crossings(hucs, rivers, tol=_tol): """If any reach crosses a HUC boundary: 1. If it crosses an external boundary, cut the reach in two and discard the portion outside of the domain. 2. If it crosses an internal boundary, ensure there is a coordinate the reach that is on the internal boundary. Either way, also ensure there is a coordinate on the HUC boundary at the crossing point. """" cutting at crossings") # Note this is O(M*N) where M is number of huc segments and N is # number of reaches, and could be made more efficient. for tree in rivers: for river_node in tree.preOrder(): _cut_and_snap_crossing(hucs, river_node, tol) cleanup(rivers) return rivers
def _cut_and_snap_crossing(hucs, reach_node, tol=_tol): """Helper function for cut_and_snap_crossings()""" r = reach_node.segment # first deal with crossings of the HUC exterior boundary -- in # this case, the reach segment gets split in two and the external # one is remoevd. for b, spine in hucs.boundaries.items(): for s, seg_handle in spine.items(): seg = hucs.segments[seg_handle] if seg.intersects(r):'intersection found') new_spine = watershed_workflow.utils.cut(seg, r, tol) new_reach_segs = watershed_workflow.utils.cut(r, seg, tol) try: assert (len(new_reach_segs) == 1 or len(new_reach_segs) == 2) assert (len(new_spine) == 1 or len(new_spine) == 2)" - cutting reach at external boundary of HUCs:")" split HUC boundary seg into {len(new_spine)} pieces")" split reach seg into {len(new_reach_segs)} pieces") # which piece of the reach are we keeping? if hucs.exterior().buffer(-tol).contains( shapely.geometry.Point(new_reach_segs[0].coords[0])): # keep the upstream (or only) reach seg if len(new_reach_segs) == 2: # confirm other/downstream reach is outside assert (not hucs.exterior().contains( shapely.geometry.Point(new_reach_segs[1].coords[-1]))) reach_node.segment = new_reach_segs[0] elif len(new_reach_segs) == 2: if hucs.exterior().buffer(-tol).contains( shapely.geometry.Point(new_reach_segs[1].coords[-1])): # keep the downstream reach seg, confirm upstream is outside assert (not hucs.exterior().contains( shapely.geometry.Point(new_reach_segs[0].coords[0]))) reach_node.segment = new_reach_segs[1] # keep both pieces of a split huc boundary segment # -- rename the first hucs.segments[seg_handle] = new_spine[0] if len(new_spine) > 1: # -- add the first assert (len(new_spine) == 2) new_handle = hucs.segments.add(new_spine[1]) spine.add(new_handle) except AssertionError: print('Error:') reachc = np.array(reach_node.segment.coords) segc = np.array(seg.coords) plt.plot(reachc[:, 0], reachc[:, 1], 'k--x') plt.plot(segc[:, 0], segc[:, 1], 'k--+') print(f'Reach split into {len(new_spine)} segments') if len(new_spine) > 0: r1c = np.array(new_spine[0].coords) plt.plot(r1c[:, 0], r1c[:, 1], 'rx', markersize=40) if len(new_spine) > 1: r2c = np.array(new_spine[1].coords) plt.plot(r2c[:, 0], r2c[:, 1], 'm+', markersize=40) print(f'Reach split into {len(new_reach_segs)} segments') if len(new_reach_segs) > 0: r1c = np.array(new_reach_segs[0].coords) plt.plot(r1c[:, 0], r1c[:, 1], 'b+', markersize=40) inter = watershed_workflow.utils.non_point_intersection( hucs.exterior(), new_reach_segs[0]) print(r1c) print(f' r1 intersects with boundary? {inter}') if len(new_reach_segs) > 1: r2c = np.array(new_reach_segs[1].coords) plt.plot(r2c[:, 0], r2c[:, 1], 'cx', markersize=40) inter = watershed_workflow.utils.non_point_intersection( hucs.exterior(), new_reach_segs[1]) print(f' r2 intersects with boundary? {inter}') print(r2c) inter = hucs.exterior().intersection(new_reach_segs[1]) print(f' r2 intersection = {inter}') raise RuntimeError('Problem in cut_intersection') break # now deal with crossings of the HUC interior boundary -- in this # case, the reach segment is kept as one but the segment geometry # is snapped to make sure the intersection is exact for i, spine in hucs.intersections.items(): for s, seg_handle in spine.items(): seg = hucs.segments[seg_handle] if seg.intersects(r): new_spine = watershed_workflow.utils.cut(seg, r, tol) new_reach_segs = watershed_workflow.utils.cut(r, seg, tol) assert (len(new_reach_segs) == 1 or len(new_reach_segs) == 2) assert (len(new_spine) == 1 or len(new_spine) == 2)" - snapping reach at internal boundary of HUCs") if (len(new_reach_segs) == 2): reach_node.segment = shapely.geometry.LineString( list(new_reach_segs[0].coords) + list(new_reach_segs[1].coords)[1:]) else: reach_node.segment = new_reach_segs[0] hucs.segments[seg_handle] = new_spine[0] if len(new_spine) > 1: assert (len(new_spine) == 2) new_handle = hucs.segments.add(new_spine[1]) spine.add(new_handle) break
[docs] def snap_polygon_endpoints(hucs, rivers, tol=_tol): """Snaps the endpoints of HUC segments to endpoints of rivers.""" # make the kdTree of endpoints of all reaches coords1 = np.array([reach.coords[-1] for river in rivers for reach in river.depthFirst()]) coords2 = np.array([reach.coords[0] for river in rivers for reach in river.leaves()]) coords = np.concatenate([coords1, coords2], axis=0) # limit to x,y if (coords.shape[1] != 2): coords = coords[:, 0:2] debug_point = shapely.geometry.Point([-581678.5238123547, -378867.813358335]) kdtree = cKDTree(coords) # for each segment of the HUC spine, find the river outlet that is # closest. If within tolerance, move it for seg_handle, seg in hucs.segments.items(): # check point 0, -1 endpoints = np.array([seg.coords[0], seg.coords[-1]]) # limit to x,y if (endpoints.shape[1] != 2): endpoints = endpoints[:, 0:2] dists, inds = kdtree.query(endpoints) #### DEBUG CODE ##### if debug_point.distance(shapely.geometry.Point(seg.coords[0])) < 10000: dist = debug_point.distance(shapely.geometry.Point(seg.coords[0])) print( f'found a huc seg beginpoint: {seg.coords[0]} with distance {dist} < tol = {tol}?') elif debug_point.distance(shapely.geometry.Point(seg.coords[-1])) < 10000: dist = debug_point.distance(shapely.geometry.Point(seg.coords[-1])) print(f'found a huc seg endpoint: {seg.coords[-1]} with distance {dist} < tol = {tol}?') #### END DEBUG CODE ##### if dists.min() < tol: new_seg = list(seg.coords) if dists[0] < tol: new_seg[0] = coords[inds[0]] logging.debug( f" Moving HUC segment point 0,1: {list(seg.coords)[0]}, {list(seg.coords)[-1]}" ) logging.debug(" point 0 to river at %r" % list(new_seg[0])) if dists[1] < tol: new_seg[-1] = coords[inds[1]] logging.debug( f" Moving HUC segment point 0,1: {list(seg.coords)[0]}, {list(seg.coords)[-1]}" ) logging.debug(" point -1 to river at %r" % list(new_seg[-1])) hucs.segments[seg_handle] = shapely.geometry.LineString(new_seg)
def _closest_point(point, line, tol=_tol): """Determine the closest location on line to point. If that point is further than tol or already a coordinate in the line, returns None. Otherwise, return the location. """ if watershed_workflow.utils.in_neighborhood(shapely.geometry.Point(point), line, tol): logging.debug(" - in neighborhood") nearest_p = watershed_workflow.utils.nearest_point(line, point) dist = watershed_workflow.utils.distance(nearest_p, point) logging.debug(" - nearest p = {0}, dist = {1}, tol = {2}".format(nearest_p, dist, tol)) if dist < tol: if dist < 1.e-7: # filter case where the point is already there if any(watershed_workflow.utils.close(point, c) for c in line.coords): return None return nearest_p return None
[docs] def snap_endpoints(tree, hucs, tol=_tol): """Snap river endpoints to huc segments and insert that point into the boundary. Note this is O(n^2), and could be made more efficient. """ to_add = [] for node in tree.preOrder(): river = node.segment for b, component in itertools.chain(hucs.boundaries.items(), hucs.intersections.items()): # note, this is done in two stages to allow it deal with both endpoints touching for s, seg_handle in component.items(): seg = hucs.segments[seg_handle] #logging.debug("SNAP P0:") #logging.debug(" huc seg: %r"%seg.coords[:]) #logging.debug(" river: %r"%river.coords[:]) altered = False logging.debug(" - checking river coord: %r" % list(river.coords[0])) logging.debug(" - seg coords: {0}".format(list(seg.coords))) new_coord = _closest_point(river.coords[0], seg, tol) logging.debug(" - new coord: {0}".format(new_coord)) if new_coord != None:" snapped river: %r to %r" % (river.coords[0], new_coord)) # move new_coord onto an existing segment coord dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(seg.coords) - np.expand_dims(new_coord, 0), 2, axis=1) assert (len(dist) == len(seg.coords)) assert (len(dist.shape) == 1) i = int(np.argmin(dist)) if (dist[i] < tol): new_coord = seg.coords[i] # remove points that are closer coords = list(river.coords) done = False while len(coords) > 2 and watershed_workflow.utils.distance(new_coord, coords[1]) < \ watershed_workflow.utils.distance(new_coord, coords[0]): coords.pop(0) coords[0] = new_coord river = shapely.geometry.LineString(coords) node.segment = river to_add.append((seg_handle, component, 0, node)) break # second stage for s, seg_handle in component.items(): seg = hucs.segments[seg_handle] # logging.debug("SNAP P1:") # logging.debug(" huc seg: %r"%seg.coords[:]) # logging.debug(" river: %r"%river.coords[:]) altered = False logging.debug(" - checking river coord: %r" % list(river.coords[-1])) logging.debug(" - seg coords: {0}".format(list(seg.coords))) new_coord = _closest_point(river.coords[-1], seg, tol) logging.debug(" - new coord: {0}".format(new_coord)) if new_coord != None:" - snapped river: %r to %r" % (river.coords[-1], new_coord)) # move new_coord onto an existing segment coord dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(seg.coords) - np.expand_dims(new_coord, 0), 2, axis=1) assert (len(dist) == len(seg.coords)) assert (len(dist.shape) == 1) i = int(np.argmin(dist)) if (dist[i] < tol): new_coord = seg.coords[i] # remove points that are closer coords = list(river.coords) done = False while len(coords) > 2 and \ watershed_workflow.utils.distance(new_coord, coords[-2]) < watershed_workflow.utils.distance(new_coord, coords[-1]): coords.pop(-1) coords[-1] = new_coord river = shapely.geometry.LineString(coords) node.segment = river to_add.append((seg_handle, component, -1, node)) break # find the list of points to add to a given segment to_add_dict = dict() for seg_handle, component, endpoint, node in to_add: if seg_handle not in to_add_dict.keys(): to_add_dict[seg_handle] = list() to_add_dict[seg_handle].append((component, endpoint, node)) # find the set of points to add to each given segment def equal(p1, p2): if watershed_workflow.utils.close(p1[2].segment.coords[p1[1]], p2[2].segment.coords[p2[1]], 1.e-5): assert (p1[0] == p2[0]) return True else: return False to_add_dict2 = dict() for seg_handle, insert_list in to_add_dict.items(): new_list = [] for p1 in insert_list: if (all(not equal(p1, p2) for p2 in new_list)): new_list.append(p1) to_add_dict2[seg_handle] = new_list # add these points to the segment for seg_handle, insert_list in to_add_dict2.items(): seg = hucs.segments[seg_handle] # make a list of the coords and a flag to indicate a new # coord, then sort it by arclength along the segment. # # Note this needs special care if the seg is a loop, or else the endpoint gets sorted twice if not watershed_workflow.utils.close(seg.coords[0], seg.coords[-1]): new_coords = [[p[2].segment.coords[p[1]], 1] for p in insert_list] old_coords = [ [c, 0] for c in seg.coords if not any(watershed_workflow.utils.close(c, nc, tol) for nc in new_coords) ] new_seg_coords = sorted(new_coords + old_coords, key=lambda a: seg.project(shapely.geometry.Point(a))) # determine the new coordinate indices breakpoint_inds = [i for i, (c, f) in enumerate(new_seg_coords) if f == 1] else: new_coords = [[p[2].segment.coords[p[1]], 1] for p in insert_list] old_coords = [ [c, 0] for c in seg.coords[:-1] if not any(watershed_workflow.utils.close(c, nc, tol) for nc in new_coords) ] new_seg_coords = sorted(new_coords + old_coords, key=lambda a: seg.project(shapely.geometry.Point(a))) breakpoint_inds = [i for i, (c, f) in enumerate(new_seg_coords) if f == 1] assert (len(breakpoint_inds) > 0) new_seg_coords = new_seg_coords[breakpoint_inds[0]:] + new_seg_coords[ 0:breakpoint_inds[0] + 1] new_seg_coords[0][1] = 0 new_seg_coords[-1][1] = 0 breakpoint_inds = [i for i, (c, f) in enumerate(new_seg_coords) if f == 1] # now break into new segments new_segs = [] ind_start = 0 for ind_end in breakpoint_inds: assert (ind_end != 0) new_segs.append( shapely.geometry.LineString([c for (c, f) in new_seg_coords[ind_start:ind_end + 1]])) ind_start = ind_end assert (ind_start < len(new_seg_coords) - 1) new_segs.append( shapely.geometry.LineString([tuple(c) for (c, f) in new_seg_coords[ind_start:]])) # put all new_segs into the huc list. Note insert_list[0][0] is the component hucs.segments[seg_handle] = new_segs.pop(0) new_handles = hucs.segments.add_many(new_segs) insert_list[0][0].add_many(new_handles) return river
[docs] def cleanup(rivers, simp_tol=None, prune_tol=_tol, merge_tol=_tol, preserve_catchments=False): """Cleans rivers in place by: 1. simplifying to tol 2. pruning all leaf nodes of length < prune_tol 3. merging all internal nodes of length < merge_tol """ # simplify if simp_tol is not None: for tree in rivers: simplify(tree, simp_tol) assert (all([river.is_consistent() for river in rivers])) for river in rivers: assert (river.is_continuous()) # prune short leaf branches and merge short interior reaches for tree in rivers: if merge_tol is not None: merge(tree, merge_tol) if merge_tol != prune_tol and prune_tol is not None: pruneBySegmentLength(tree, prune_tol, preserve_catchments) assert (all(river.is_continuous() for river in rivers)) tols = [t for t in [prune_tol, merge_tol] if t is not None] if len(tols) > 0: tol = min(tols) for river in rivers: for r in river: assert (r.length > tol)
[docs] def pruneBySegmentLength(tree, prune_tol=10, preserve_catchments=False): """Removes any leaf segments that are shorter than prune_tol""" for leaf in tree.leaf_nodes(): if leaf.segment.length < prune_tol:" ...cleaned leaf segment of length: %g at centroid %r" % (leaf.segment.length, leaf.segment.centroid.coords[0])) leaf.prune(preserve_catchments)
[docs] def pruneRiverByArea(river, area, prop='DivergenceRoutedDrainAreaSqKm', preserve_catchments=False): """Removes, IN PLACE, reaches whose total contributing area is less than area km^2. Note this requires NHDPlus data to have been used and the 'DivergenceRoutedDrainAreaSqKm' property (or whatever is selected) to have been set. """ count = 0 for node in river.preOrder(): # note, we only ever prune children, to avoid unneeded recursive pruning # # make a copy of the children, as this list will be modified by potential prune calls children = node.children[:] for child in children: if[prop] < area: logging.debug( f"... removing trib with {len(child)} reaches of area: {[prop]}" ) count += len(child) child.prune(preserve_catchments) return count
[docs] def pruneByArea(rivers, area, prop='DivergenceRoutedDrainAreaSqKm', preserve_catchments=False): """Removes, IN PLACE, reaches whose total contributing area is less than area km^2. Note this requires NHDPlus data to have been used and the 'DivergenceRoutedDrainAreaSqKm' property to have been set. """"Pruning by total contributing area < {area}") count = 0 sufficiently_big_rivers = [] for river in rivers: if[prop] >= area: count += pruneRiverByArea(river, area, prop, preserve_catchments) sufficiently_big_rivers.append(river)"... pruned {count}") return sufficiently_big_rivers
[docs] def removeDiversions(rivers, preserve_catchments=False): """Removes diversions, but not braids.""""Remove diversions...") non_diversions = [] for river in rivers: keep_river = True count_tribs = 0 count_reaches = 0 for leaf in river.leaf_nodes(): if['DivergenceCode'] == 2: # is a braid or a diversion if river.getNode(['UpstreamMainPathHydroSeq']) is None: # diversion! try: joiner = next(n for n in leaf.pathToRoot() if n.parent is not None and len(n.parent.children) > 1) except StopIteration: # no joiner means kill the whole tree' ... remove diversion river with {len(river)} reaches.') keep_river = False break else: count_tribs += 1 count_reaches += len(joiner) joiner.prune(preserve_catchments) if keep_river: f' ... removed {count_tribs} diversion tributaries with {count_reaches} total reaches.' ) non_diversions.append(river) return non_diversions
[docs] def removeBraids(rivers, preserve_catchments=False): """Remove braids, but not diversions.""""Removing braided sections...") for river in rivers: count_tribs = 0 count_reaches = 0 for leaf in river.leaf_nodes(): if['DivergenceCode'] == 2: # is a braid or a diversion? if river.getNode(['UpstreamMainPathHydroSeq']) is not None: # braid! try: joiner = next(n for n in leaf.pathToRoot() if n.parent is not None and len(n.parent.children) > 1) except StopIteration: assert (False) # this should not be possible, because our braid must come back somewhere else: count_tribs += 1 count_reaches += len(joiner) joiner.prune(preserve_catchments) f'... removed {count_tribs} braids with {count_reaches} reaches from a river of length {len(river)}' ) return rivers
[docs] def removeDivergences(rivers, preserve_catchments=False): """Removes both diversions and braids. Braids are divergences that return to the river network, and so look like branches of a river tree whose upstream entity is in the river (in another branch). Diversions are divergences that do not return to the stream network, and so their upstream entity is in another river. """"Removing divergent sections...") non_divergences = [] for river in rivers: keep_river = True count_tribs = 0 count_reaches = 0 for leaf in river.leaf_nodes(): if['DivergenceCode'] == 2: # diversion! try: joiner = next(n for n in leaf.pathToRoot() if n.parent is not None and len(n.parent.children) > 1) except StopIteration: # no joiner means kill the whole tree' ... remove divergence river with {len(river)} reaches.') keep_river = False break else: count_tribs += 1 count_reaches += len(joiner) joiner.prune(preserve_catchments) if keep_river: f' ... removed {count_tribs} divergence tributaries with {count_reaches} total reaches.' ) non_divergences.append(river) return non_divergences
[docs] def filterSmallRivers(rivers, count): """Remove any rivers with fewer than count reaches.""""Removing rivers with fewer than {count} reaches.") new_rivers = [] for river in rivers: ltree = len(river) if ltree < count: logging.debug(" ...removing river with %d reaches" % ltree) else: new_rivers.append(river) logging.debug(" ...keeping river with %d reaches" % ltree)'... removed {len(rivers) - len(new_rivers)} rivers') return new_rivers
[docs] def merge(river, tol=_tol): """Remove inner branches that are short, combining branchpoints as needed. This function merges the "short" segment into the child segment if it is a junction tributary with one child or into the parent segment otherwise """ for node in list(river.preOrder()): if node.segment.length < tol and node.parent is not None: " ...cleaned inner segment of length %g at centroid %r with id %r" % (node.segment.length, node.segment.centroid.coords[0],['ID'])) if len(list(node.siblings())) > 0 and len(node.children) == 1: # junction tributary with one child node.merge(to='child') elif len(node.children) == 0: # if the leaf node is too small node.remove() else: for sibling in list(node.siblings()): sibling.moveCoordinate(-1, node.segment.coords[0]) sibling.remove() node.addChild(sibling) assert (len(list(node.siblings())) == 0) node.merge()
[docs] def simplify(river, tol=_tol): """Simplify, IN PLACE, all reaches.""" for node in river.preOrder(): if node.segment is not None: new_seg = node.segment.simplify(tol) assert (watershed_workflow.utils.close(new_seg.coords[0], node.segment.coords[0])) assert (watershed_workflow.utils.close(new_seg.coords[-1], node.segment.coords[-1])) node.segment = new_seg